Senate Passes First Joint Balanced Budget in More Than a Decade

Senate Passes First Joint Balanced Budget in More Than a Decade

“The American people have a right to expect that the federal government will balance its budget – just like hard-working Americans do at home.”

WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) issued the following statement on the Senate’s passage of the first joint 10-year balanced budget resolution in more than a decade:

“The American people have a right to expect that the federal government will balance its budget – just like hard-working Americans do at home. While the balanced budget we passed today doesn’t fix everything, it is an important step toward getting Washington working again for American families by creating a framework for the efficient, effective, and accountable government they deserve.”


8 thoughts on “Senate Passes First Joint Balanced Budget in More Than a Decade”

  1. Balance .you vote to cut workers pension and wont even cut your own your nothing but a puppet ;and a photo op.

  2. This sounds great, but if it is supposed to be balanced in ten years, it’s worthless. And why can’t it be balanced NOW?! If they really mean to balance a budget, do it now.

  3. Just think if Harry Reid and Tim Johnson had allowed the passage of a Budget* Agreement, we’d be halfway to financial solvency and sanity. Oh the what ifs.

    It shows throw how important controlling the Senate is and it is no longer business as usual even with Obama still in office.

    * I still marvel at the reality Reid/Johnson thought this prudent. Not a single business larger than a mom and pop doesn’t have a budget. Not a single government entity, from cities, counties, to states, doesn’t have a budget. But these clowns think the U.S. Government doesn’t need a budget. Truly astonishing.

  4. My question is: does the budget get rid of the sequestration? If so, this budget is probably nothing but smoke and mirrors.

    1. before before pelosi was speaker, the previous republican majority was effective at holding the line on debt growth and deficit reduction even while managing the extra load of the significant war effort. the voluminous expansion of debt since president bush stopped being the last line of defense after 2008 ended has been breathtaking and abundantly documented on the record.
      mr jones – – tim johnson’s main job during most of his years of national office involved rubber stamping the national democrat agenda and deflecting blame by calling everyone else a rubber stamp, between bouts of explaining how the dem agenda ‘helped’ south dakota. picking up that same bad habit cost herseth sandlin her job.

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