41 thoughts on “Senator Mike Rounds’ Statement on Trump criminal convictions”

  1. This comment is spot on. As a Republican and an American, I am disgusted at the choice we are forced to make this November. Surely we have qualified candidates who can lead the country without having to resort to a senile old man or a convicted felon. If either of those two cared more about the United States than their own arrogance and egos, they would have stepped aside to allow someone more qualified a chance. As it is, we will only see more divisiveness, anger and frustration – and that’s just within our own party.

    Russia, China and Iran must be sitting back and enjoying the show.

  2. Victim, victim, victim. Trump’s ALWAYS a victim.

    It’s true that the country may become even more divided as a result of this, but Trump… is no victim.

    He is a billionaire who flies his private jet from mansion to mansion but often doesn’t pay taxes like you do. He can, however, afford an army of lawyers to protect him. Some victim.

    He has been claiming that the elections are rigged for nine years now, as a hedge against losing. He has provided no proof of this rigging. But HE tried to get the Georgia Secretary of State to cheat for him in the 2020 election and got caught. Now he’s a victim of the Atlanta District Attorney who charged him for it.

    He kept top secret documents after repeated attempts to retrieve them. The feds went to Mara Lago and got them. So, of course, he is a victim of the FBI.

    Half of his top White House appointees have declared him unfit for office. Because of this, he is a victim of the deep state… or something. He tried to get his VP to undermine the election and he instigated an attack on the Capitol. Now, the Justice Department is after him. Victim.

    Remember when he called for Hillary Clinton to be jailed? Now he claims that HE is the victim of a weaponized Justice Department.

    The perpetual victim… Donald Trump.

      1. Why didn’t I think of that? Just cry “bullshit” instead of refuting someone’s argument. It’s so easy!

      1. No BS detected from the BS twins (or boyfriends, not sure)! What a surprise.

        Let’s look at the last claim:

        Was Hillary charged with anything without evidence? Nope.
        Was Hillary arrested without evidence or charges filed? Nope.
        Got a copy of any official paperwork where President Trump directed Hillary to be jailed? We will wait for you to produce.
        Got any memos between Trump and DoJ discussing how to arrest her? Nope.
        Got any videos of President Trump calling for her to be jailed (and not the video where he is responding to the crowd at an election stump speech that FIRST started chanting to throw her in jail and then he repeats the chant)? Nope you don’t have that either do you.
        Do you have anything to back up your claim that isn’t campaign rhetoric?

        I don’t know why I ask either of you for the evidence because guess what, neither of you have EVER been able to give evidence but only deflect with your half-witted, smart-ass quips.

        1. You say: “Got any videos of President Trump calling for her to be jailed (and not the video where he is responding to the crowd at an election stump speech…”

          Are you old enough to remember the 2016 debates?

          1. Then produce them. Should be easy for you. Oh wait, we are all still waiting for the Mrs. Doubtfire video that you stated was there for the world to see.

            I guess we won’t be seeing this video either.

        2. we refer to abundantly cited and presented evidence already in the public sphere. your amusing alinsky-move of challenging us to waste our time and energy assembling and presenting volumes of already known facts is tiresome.

          1. Well then if it is so abundant it should be easy just to cut and past the source. Kind of like your claiming all the “hate spin” on Fox. Still waiting for some specific examples from you on that one. And how about the volumes of gaffes committed by Jess Waters? Every bit as much as President Stumbles according to you. Still waiting for you to produce those, too.

            You don’t “have time” to produce anything that backs your BS but you still have time to try and make yourself look relevant with stupid statements.

              1. Then produce the documentation and videos to back YOUR claims that you say are so abundant and available. You won’t/can’t.

          1. No, I don’t have alzheimers but you apparently have some sort of cognitive disorder. Cankles made a statement that it is a good thing that someone with Trump’s temperament isn’t in charge of the laws of this country and he responded with “Because you’d be in jail.”

            How is that directing Cankles to be thrown in jail? How does that make her a victim as Elk insinuated?

            1. You: got any evidence of him calling for her to be jailed

              Video: man running for President says you’d be in jail if I was President

              You: SEE, HE SAID NOTHING OF THE SORT…. k. Let’s go with that.

  3. Elk:” Remember when he called for Hillary Clinton to be jailed? Now he claims that HE is the victim of a weaponized Justice Department.”

    Except Trump didn’t weaponize it and go after Clinton. Do you ever listen to yourself, Elk?

    1. Clinton just stood up to questions for hours after years of investigations found nothing. Trump won’t even do that because he will just lie and purger himself. Biden didn’t weaponize squat. The states are doing most of it because Trump broke their laws. You know, state’s rights and all.

    2. Weaponized? Trump did those things! He kept the documents. He assembled the mob. You know it too. Biden didn’t force Trump to commit crimes.

      And in yesterday’s case, Biden wasn’t the NY Attorney General. Nor does he have anything to do with the Georgia case.

      I don’t want a President Biden. But you have no proof of what you say.

    3. Anonymous 12:36 – “Except Trump didn’t weaponize it.” he DIDN’T because he COULDNT or he WOULD HAVE. by the same token, biden likewise hasn’t weaponized the legal system. he wouldn’t have to – what triggers the legal system is the evidence of illegal activity. this is what surrounds trump like a cloud.

  4. i previously posted on governor noem’s trump statement, the belief that the prime motivation for the statement was to avoid the appearance of being disloyal to trump, and being targeted by him for some form of retribution. it truly pains me to feel the same kind of appeasement vibe in this message from senator rounds. it does. ow.

  5. I can understand why Dusty and Thune would whore themselves out to the convicted felon free of charge since they care more about the pursuit of higher office than integrity, but this is completely unnecessary for Rounds.

  6. So are the Democrats going to prosecute every Republican who spends campaign funds to try to influence the outcome of an election?
    That’s really going to hurt Mr Powers’ business.

  7. Anon 2 3:05–You’ve lost the motivation for Trump’s scheme. The business records were falsified not only to avoid reporting to New York SOS as campaign funds but also to avoid IRS reporting. That’s why they went down as a deductible “business expense.”

    1. He did not deduct those expenses.

      Plus, no proof was entered his motive was electoral.

      I am not voting for Trump but you people can’t see straight when it comes to Trump. Get some help.

        1. There was no direct evidence (corroborated of uncorroborated) that Trumps motive was electoral (as opposed to prevent his wife or family finding out). Only Cohen’s speculation (hearsay) it was electoral.

          Just because you people find him reprehensible as a person or abhor his policies, neither make him a felon.

          1. Actually, there was testimony from his own staffers that Trump commented on the timing of the Daniels issue and how he was glad it came out later. Look up the transcripts. At the bare minimum, he knew it benefitted him.

            1. So now ancillary benefit after the election become a felony? Really? So any money Biden spent to obfuscate the laptop is a felony too?

              1. It goes to mens rea, you disingenuous dildo. It’s not dispositive, but then again, I wasn’t the one making the asinine claims about NO EVIDENCE.

  8. I would point out that the Jury was selected by both sides. When Mr. Branch, Trump’s Lawyer was asked by the Press if Mr. Trump interfered with him in the presentation of his defense, Mr. Branch replied, “You think”??

  9. What I want to see is Trump dropping out and being replaced by Ted Cruz or Jim Jordan, and the talking heads on CNN and MSNBC exploding as they realize what they have done.

    1. The media, even leftist media, loves to talk about him. Brings the clicks and views so they’ll always try to keep him in the news.

  10. Gee Senator Rounds, if you don’t like the courts 34 convictions because it’s too divisive and troublesome abiding by the rule of law then maybe we should use Govenor Noem’s law of the jungle to deal with petty annoyances like gangster ex-presidential has-beens who are too stupid to keep their mouth shut. Prison is the lawful outcome for this trial. Then again the gravel pit would be quicker and more satisfying.

  11. The jury found Trump “guilty of falsifying business records to prevent voters from learning about a sexual encounter that he believed would have been politically damaging.” How did records created in 2017 “prevent voters from learning” about the Daniels tryst before they cast their ballots the previous year?

  12. If you are talking about Round’s statement that is on his webpage, it is ridiculous. He states ” A good portion of the country believes the only way to save our country is to swing back just as hard, with the same weaponization of the legal system and bureaucracy.” I assume the “good portion of the country” he talks about is the America First/Trump supporters. Tell me rounds when and how has America First (Republican base) done anything to use the law or bureaucracy unrighteously???? Tell me rounds what credibility do you have speaking for America First/Republican base??? You have been voting against the base on federal spending from day one. Rounds, America First/Republican base has no control of the legal system or bureaucracy. Hey rounds you do NOT have an acquaintance with the Republican base. Hey rounds stop undermining Trump and Republican base. See round’s statement here: https://www.rounds.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/rounds-issues-statement-on-verdict-in-former-president-trumps-new-york-trial

    1. You mean like when alternative electors were seated in several states, literal criminal actions several have already been convicted of? Like that?

  13. Mr. Rounds is well aquainted with South Dakota Republicans. As a Senator he has concentrated on maintaining a majority of US Senators of both Parties who support and defend a strong military and who will pass increases in spending for our Armed Forces. He is a dedicated ally of aid to Israel and for confronting Communist expansion. While both positions will be threatened when Trump is President, he continues to support his candidacy.

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