45 thoughts on “Senator Tapio at White House today”

  1. He probably has a date (I mean meeting) with a young russian anti-immigration activist while in DC.

      1. Taking his own film crew to DC to get some footage. Rumors are that he wants to challenge Rounds.

        1. Right, because his bid for Congress was so successful. He couldn’t even beat Shantel, let alone Mike Rounds. Sen. Rounds has the 4th highest approval rating, from polling among his home state constituents, of all Senators. Interestingly, Sen. Thune is 2nd. South Dakotans think very highly of their two Senators, so good luck with that one Tapio.

          1. Thune will have to give Rounds some of his money. Rounds doesn’t have much to defend himself against out of state conservative super PAC’s if they came in.

            1. One of his donors from Illinois spent $8 million on a loser in WI’s primary. It’s possible that guy could spen 2 or 3 million in SD and totally disrupt the state.

              Fundraising is important in today’s super pac world.

                  1. Interesting how much the senators have on hand:

                    John Thune: $11,807,952
                    Mike Rounds: $255,445

                    Rounds is up in 2020 and Thune is up in 2022.

                    After 4 years of being in the US Senate one would assume Rounds would have much more cash on hand.

                    Noem raised between $2.3 and $2.8 million every two years in congress. She was very prolific at fundraising.

      1. Once upon a time a “tie of shame” was given to men who didn’t meet the dress code. That changed because some women complained about being oppressed or something. I think it started with Michelle Obama? She wore sleeveless dresses and that was once considered inappropriate attire.

  2. Did Senator Tapio visit the President to feed more fear mongering talking about imaginary battles and South Dakota cities under ISIS control?

  3. Given Neal Tapio’s special relationship with President Trump and Vice President Putin will Tapio show up and try barge in on the Kristie Noem fundraiser?

  4. versus rounds, there is no way the opposing field would be just tapio in a primary. it would be rounds, then one of those “real republicans” i hear about, and THEN tapio. the primary final would be rounds 68 percent, “real republican” 24 percent, tapio 8 percent.

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