Shad Olson telling facebook that he’s close to running for Gov. And he’s all out of love for the GOP.

Are you missing ridiculously long press releases? They may be back.

From Facebook, Shad Olson – superfan of former Gordon Howie and Neal Tapio campaign person Shad Olson – is telling Shad’s facebook friends that Shad is about to pull the trigger on a run for Governor, because it sounds like Shad is fed up with SDGOP:

Shad seems to have something against South Dakota Republicans.

Perhaps we could say he’s…. all out of love?

(If we say he’s all out of love, we’ll have to do it with echo enabled, apparently.)

Stay auto-tuned.

48 thoughts on “Shad Olson telling facebook that he’s close to running for Gov. And he’s all out of love for the GOP.”

  1. we live in a state where it’s perhaps more true than anywhere else in the entire nation, that old fashioned retail politics is unbeatable. get your volunteerism up, run for and win lesser public office, serve well, step up to the state house, then to the state senate, then party leadership, and THEN look at the governors race. this state has proven time and time again that efforts to short circuit and circumvent the system just don’t work. if you can’t follow the tried and true path in one of the two major parties, you’re pretty well screwed in south dakota.

    1. Don’t you mean step down to state house? In your state the average mayor makes more than your state legislators. Your legislators make in some cases even less than city councilmen. So you are asking people to ” step up ” to a position that pays them less than the local office and requires many of them to travel several hours to commute to the capital? You get what you pay for South Dakota does not value its legislators So you get what you can attract with the embarrassing amount of funding your state has authorized for its legislators.

      1. actually becoming mayor is about 100 times less likely than winning a council seat even after you’ve made the council win your initial step. becoming a governor is 100 times harder than winning a house seat. becoming a mayor or governor is 1000 times harder if you make that your first ever run for elective office. I didn’t put ‘mayor’ lower than ‘state lawmaker’ and i wasn’t talking about pay grades at all.

  2. Shad should audition for “The Voice.” He probably wouldn’t get any chair turns, but his odds would be far better than getting elected Governor.

  3. The Tapio wing is coming out against Noem. Shad saw tapio get 24% of the GOP primary and will now try to ride the anti Islam wave in the general which will be interesting.

    1. Shad is articulate if not a boob.

      I hope he runs an all out social media campaign featuring his voice.

  4. What he really wants is Kristi Noem to come to him and say, “Don’t run Shad. I’ll give you a nice cushy government job when I win.” He’s making his play to go on the dole.

    1. They called Fitzgerald. That’s why shad thinks “Why not call Shad too?” Ravnsborg will win regardless. So will noem. Don’t call him.

      Shad knows this because he was a big Fitzgerald supporter. Not big enough to be a delegate and vote for him but big enough to support him from his couch.

    1. I had the same laugh!! Puts feelers out, a few say “oh, good idea” and if he’s anything like Stacey, the comments during the election will be “SO many people asked me to run, I just had to!” SMH…

  5. Shad says he wants to run after the lawsuit is filed because he knows the Constitution Party won’t get to certify any candidates. Perfect for Shad- he can say he ran for Governor and then cry on Facebook for the next 3 months how the “establishment” kept him off the ballot. Shad is a chode a$$ punk.

  6. Shad, the voters up and down Main St. will be asking:

    Why would you do that?
    What would you hope to gain?
    How is that best for South Dakota?

    Kristi Noem is going to be our next Governor. Why would you further alienate yourself?

    1. Exactly. The idea that any of these candidates have a chance is silly. GOP candidates win 100% of races. Sieler is their best recruit. He loses by 15%

  7. Shad played his cards way too soon! Dan Lederman’s response to the rumors Shad was spreading was absolutely brilliant. Shad’s leaking of his plans gave Dan a heads up and Dan sued. At least that’s how it appears. And Dan won. Big.

      1. Dan approaches random people and random events and asks why Shad Olson doesn’t like him. But don’t let that get around.

  8. Shad has delusions of grandeur. He’s a big deal in his own mind and amongst 12 other delusional friends.

  9. welcome shad. give it hell sir. do your best. i think anyone who gets others to take on hopeless runs for high office again and again should absolutely try it themselves.

  10. I’ve often wondered if Tapio paid Shad per word in a press release. Why were they so lengthy?

  11. We need more political party options out there. Competition is good for all of us. Give em Hell Shad!

  12. This is Shad singing in that? What the heck is he thinking about running for governor for? His right brain & deep voice will take him far as he writes music and cuts CDs. He has no experience representing people from a school board, city council, etc. & is too fickle, so he’d make a terrible governor. Shad, don’t waste what you were born to do to try and do something God gifted someone else to do. Do YOUR thing. You can’t win the governorship, no way. But you can win some hearts if you get down and dirty with that voice and talent you have. Promote our country, constitution and patriots…..rather than tear down. The best choice for governor is already running. We don’t need your politics, we need your talent. JUST DO IT.

  13. He is best suited to performing the title role in “Man of La Mancha” and that’s it. I would pay to see that.

  14. One more thing to consider before running for Governor. Shad needs to be ready to have all of his dirty laundry aired for everyone to see. From speeding tickets to divorces, relationships, mental stability…’s all coming out when you play with a run for the office as important as Governor. It’s the GOVERNOR of SD, not a judge on America’s got talent. And experience in state government?

    1. Shad should run. Different perspectives and more competition of ideas out there for voters to consider.

  15. Is Shad his real name?

    I am just asking because I’ve never heard that name before… or is it short for something what is his given name

    1. in the bible, shadrach was one of three hebrew slaves that a king tossed into a furnace because they would not renounce the god of israel. everyone there saw a fourth being in the flames with shadrach, meshach and abednego, protecting them from the intense fire. this was in the time of the prophet daniel.

    1. “Lora’s hostile take over not Shads”…

      Lora Hubbel isn’t attempting a hostile takeover of the Constitution Party. Nearly the entire party welcomed her to challenge Terry LaFleur for governor. She agreed to file the party’s August 14 convention notice during a brief period of uncertainty about who was the legal chair, then voluntarily stepped aside and agreed to serve as state party secretary.

      The commenters on this blog are way too hard on Lora, which creates confusion when actual egomaniacs like Lori Stacey and Terry LaFleur libel her.

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