Sioux Falls City Councilor (And Mom) Christine Erickson urging yes vote in School Bond Issue

Sioux Falls City Councilwoman (and mom) Christine Erickson is on Facebook today urging a “yes” vote for the Sioux Falls City Bond issue that’s coming up for a vote in South Dakota’s Largest City:

26 thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Councilor (And Mom) Christine Erickson urging yes vote in School Bond Issue”

  1. We will be voting ‘No’ and that’s mostly due to all the information provided by South DaCola’s blog.

    If it does pass they may be inclined to install gender-neutral bathrooms, similar to what Kansas City has created.

          1. Then there aren’t gender-neutral bathrooms like the one built in a Kansas City public school? I didn’t think so. Aren’t the single stall bathrooms you speak of still labeled “Family Restroom”?

      1. Your comprehensive skills lacking some?

        The first sentence tells some of why we will be voting ‘No’, not the second. The second sentence is a question.

        1. You know the best way to indicate you are asking a question in writing? A question mark. You were adding that on there to scare people.

        2. And it’s “comprehension,” ya git, not “comprehensive.” Perhaps someone should have invested more in your education.

            1. It is “angry” person, not “anger.” I would like my children to have better command of the english language than you, so yes seems like a solid vote.

  2. I’m voting NO because when I give someone $190mm, I want an itemized list of where it’s going. Not some generic for this or that group list. I wouldn’t rust anyone without more specifics with that amount of money.

    1. ANI-Mouse,

      While I haven’t formed my opinion yet (and I live in Harrisburg district so I’m not critical to decide), you do realize such a list is on the website of the school, has been discussed in all the listening and school board meetings, and can be picked up at the school. If this is not enough for you, what else do you require your highness?

      1. Really?? I express my opinion. It clearly differs from yours. Because of that you resort to name calling by saying “your highness”? That’s a very Christian attitude Troy. It’s exactly what the libs having been accusing us of doing.

        1. Ani-mouse,

          You stated you’d vote no because there isn’t detail on the use of funds and specifics.

          The information is available but you have to do a little bit of work (like going to the school’s website instead of spouting off here and demonstrating you don’t know the information is available) and not expect they deliver it to you personally as if you are king.

          1. P.S.

            1) I don’t even have an opinion. How can I disagree with yours?

            2) Admitting you are ignorant of publicly available information and too lazy to do a minimal amount of work to be informed is not an opinion. It is just stating a fact. I have no disagreement with the fact you admitted.

            3) Being a citizen in a democracy demands one do the work to be informed. Saying you are voting NO because they haven’t personally dropped the information to you at your house is an abrogation of your duties as a citizen.

        2. Your “opinion” is based on a faulty assumption that based on your own statement is a direct result of your own laziness. I’m no fan of Troy, but he’s dead on here.

  3. Single stall “Family Restroom” is by definition gender-neutral. What they are called is not a distinction.

    1. Hate to break it to you, they’ve had “gender neutral” restrooms at schools for decade. They used to be called faculty restrooms that gasp, both male and female teachers can use.

      1. What a great idea, take down ‘Faculty Restroom’ and ‘Family Restroom’ signs and put up gender neutral/unisex signs. Someone is a genius.

  4. Every common sense citizen knows that you always vote NO on the first ballot. The wish list of the initial proposal needs the benefit of a sharper pencil.

  5. We personally feel like this school bond deal is being shoved down our throats already.(sort of like Huetber’s EC) The taxpayer has already paid for “vote yes” yard signs without an option to put up “vote no on bond issue: signs. This constant badgering of taxpayer by those who are paid by taxpayer is kind of like a wheelbarrow that has a rusty squeaky tire…grind grind grind….First an Opt-out (no choice) and now a school bond seemingly with little to no choice as entire election is being handled by school district. Oversight anyone? Nada…….2 NO votes here guaranteed.

    1. What do you mean, no choice and “oversight, anyone”? The information about how the money will be spent is readily available and you can vote no if you want. Man, the critiques of the bond issue in this comment section are atrocious.

    2. Look, I haven’t finished studying the issue so am undecided but if election were today would vote no for reasons I will discuss if my perceptions/suspicions/deductions have merit.

      However these admissions of people planning on voting no before studying the available information is crazy. Democracy depends on informed citizens. These kids depend on informed and serious adults. Not self admitted know nothings.

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