So do they Love Republicans, Hate Democrats, or Hate Reporters that much in Montana?

From the Washington Examiner:

Republicans held onto Montana’s only seat in the U.S. House of Representatives Thursday night, even after GOP nominee Greg Gianforte was cited for misdemeanor assault against a reporter hours before the polls opened.

Rob Quist, a Democrat from the Bernie Sanders wing of the party, proved a prodigious fundraiser by collecting nearly $7 million from the left-wing grassroots. But it wasn’t enough for the cowboy hat-wearing folksinger to prevail in a state President Trump won handily last year.

The race was called shortly after midnight. By Friday morning, with nearly 100 percent of the vote in, Gianforte had 50.2 percent of the vote, Quist, had 44.1 percent, and Libertarian Mark Wicks has 5.7 percent.

Read that here.

Not a bad win at all, especially considering he’s alleged to have assaulted a reporter.

So do they Love Republicans, Hate Democrats, or Hate Reporters that much in Montana?

40 thoughts on “So do they Love Republicans, Hate Democrats, or Hate Reporters that much in Montana?”

  1. Disgusting. I have to tell you the incident in Montana as well as the President’s behavior toward a European leader yesterday are beyond stupid. Thugs.

    Support these guys at your own peril.

  2. Reporters have become the worst bullies in America. The only way to effectively deal with bullies is a punch in the mouth.

    I bet he got a bump from it, charges will be dropped or he will be exonerated.

    Regarding Trump’s behavior, I don’t know what you are talking about but to the average America tired of being kicked around by Europeans who just talk a good game and call us when it gets tough, I’ll bet it is a gain.

    I wasn’t a fan of Trump for most of the campaign, called for him to drop out after the Billy Bush tape came out, but became a fan when he had the guts to persevere that tape. I am all in.

    1. Troy says, “Reporters have become the worst bullies in America. The only way to effectively deal with bullies is a punch in the mouth.”

      I cannot begin to tell you what I think of that. You should be ashamed. I simply cannot believe that you are not.

      1. Everybody hates reporters. They need to shape up their acts. Shame on them. Shame on reporters. I am glad this fellow won. The beating down of the arrogant reporter probably pushed him over the top.

        1. Violence used to be frowned upon by the GOP. What a difference a year can make.

          Encouraging physical attacks on the press makes it…. wait for it…. a “free press” no longer. Even though I agree with Republicans more than liberals on the issues, I sincerely believe that YOU are now the threat to this republic.

    2. The most recent “All In” crowd has much in common with the mentioned Europeans. I’m more of a fan of the “Been In” crowd. Show me your Freedom Caucus credentials.

    3. “All in” for the impeachment or resignation, huh?

      Troy, you are too good of a person to be a Gianforte apologists. I am really shocked by your comment. I am a partisan and you’re a partisan, and we are members of opposing political parties, but as a fellow Christian how can you dismiss a criminal act, which Fox News witnessed and reported? We should all forgive, but are you really going to advocate violence, when your alleged perpetrator or “bully” was never violent?….. It is not like Gianforte’s act was in self-defense….. My goodness!

      If convicted. Gianforte should not be seated by the US House!

      As far as Europe, I would have more respect for Trump’s comments on NATO, if he would have had also voiced his support for Europe relative to Russian intimidation and aggressive overtures. But then again, when you are bought and paid for by the Russians, it is probably a little harder to make that latter comment, huh?

      If convicted. Gianforte should not be seated by the US House!

  3. You all want to know what’s next? Easy one. Sean Hannity will be assaulted along with Rush as soon as they are out of sight of their bodyguards. On and on.

    Wow. Republicans have gone off the deep end.

    1. Republicans are already being assaulted. Trump supporters are being beaten and pepper sprayed. And conservatives are being banned from talking on campuses as was Ann Coulter. This violence never happened after Obama was elected, but the left has led with violence since even BEFORE Trump was inaugurated.

  4. Kelly,

    I consider the Freedom Caucus the secret weapon of the Sandernistas who want to ultimately get a single payer system and socialism in America.

    Too stupid to know a good deal for today, too lazy to get wins incrementally, and too selfish to think beyond what makes them look good to stupid, lazy and selfish people such as themselves.

    Trump learned the same thing about the Freedumb Caucus when the morons stalled the Obamacare repeal/replace momentum, made him spend more capital to get a bill out of the House, and gave the liberals a blueprint to beat/stall tax reform and spending reductions.

    1. I think the Freedom Caucus is a group who stands for true freedom, for the Constitution, and against the Establishment. If the rest of the Republicans would be supportive of real change for the good of the country they would get behind a lot of what the Freedom Caucus is trying to do.

      I would say the real morons are those who stick with the progressive Republican wing. I’m not sure what is dumb about freedom and a return to the Constitution, but if you’re in the tank for the centralized government, by all means, criticize the real Constitutionalists who have some guts.

  5. I used to live in Montana, and, but for the Californicators who move in and screw up the population centers, the State is pretty Conservative; the folks are independent and hard-working. I guess it was still too much to take with a Bernie-promoted Socialist on the Demoncrat ticket.

    1. I hate how these liberals hate the high taxes, multiple regulations of their democrat states so they move but then they keep voting Democrat and work to destroy the states they move to…dumb!

  6. Anonymous 12:50: The Freedom Caucus stand for the Constitution? What a joke. What a sick joke. They are as anti-Constitution as the Obama/Sanders wing of the Democrat party. In fact, they are partners in the ruination of America.

    Sure, they’ll say things about being pro-Constitution but they do nothing to make it work. This is a democracy and not a dictatorship. Their “standing” for stuff that can’t pass and then allowing liberal, anti-freedom to stand is IN EFFECT playing for the other side.

    I’m in the tank for no-one and certainly not centralized government. My vision for the size and scope of government is smaller than most in the FreeDumb Caucus. But, I don’t just sit in my basement with like-minded people and wonder why the rest of the nation isn’t on my side.

    I engage those who disagree with me and work to convince them in small increments to come around. Every one of those FreeDumb Caucus members come from heavy, heavy red districts and say things that do not appeal to those in the middle who CAN be convinced with the right conversation. So, in the end, they get Democrats elected in those swing districts AND we lose voices in those parts of the country which need good solid voices.

    I’d go on and tell you how I really feel but I’ve got other things to do.

  7. If the freedom caucus isn’t for a constitutional approach to every day living I don’t know what is. To compare them to anything relatively close to the progressive/liberal agenda is blasphemy. Is the problem the freedom caucus or the established base of the Republican Party the problem. I think if you pulled you head out of your a** Troy you would understand this. The problem is you and the rest of your crony Rhino constituents are not listening to the people.

    1. The FreeDumb Caucus yells and screams like conservatives but 100% of their efforts leads to a more liberal America.

      Blasphemy? Really? That is messed up. The fact saying this truth is blasphemy shows how blinded you are by words and not results.

      1. The “Freedom Caucus” to the overall GOP is like one’s pawn being in the way of ones queen. But the pawn’s position is not an aberration or irritant rather it is a by-product of ones failed overall game plan…..

  8. It really amazes me how Republicans of late are fans of Russia, are OK with careless handling of classified information, have no problems with nepotism at the highest level, encourage and promote voter restrictions, turn a blind eye to the narcissism and hints of mental illness, and now condone violence against reporters? How is the second amendment more important than the first? What the hell happened to the party of family values?

    1. Well if you believe the media spin that is your first mistake.

      Lets look at the hypocrisy of Democrats..

      Obama told the Russian foreign minister that he could deal with them easier after re-elected AND HE IS ON TAPE SAYING IT…Democrats no big deal, but because they LOST the election then they blamed it on Russia and Trump. 1) where was the outrage BEFORE the election 2) Democrats didn’t care when the NY Times got Trumps tax return info by STEALING it, but its a problem when Russians or whomever did and then exposed how Hillary should never have been int he general election to begin with as she cheated Bernie out and colluded with the media on stories and getting questions early. But after the election the democrats never talk about the content of Hillary’s deceit ..but the method it was obtained…Hypocrisy abounds Democrats.

      Do you really want to throw stones about classified material when Hillary exposed tens fo thousands of emails including classified ones….

      1. Trump really? One big dumpster fire so far in his first term. What happened to class acts, steady leadership and gentlemen like Gerald Ford? He was a good man!

  9. EC,

    I think part of the problem in so many segments is boys (and men) are no longer allowed to “take it out back.”

    This reporter and too many people face-to-face and online get away with crap that can be ended with a punch in the mouth.

    1. Troy,

      Why do we need to “take it out back?” Especially, when the reporter’s question to Gianforte merely had to do with the CBO and Trumpcare. Gianforte initially wanted to pass the question unto his press secretary, and that is when Gianforte became enraged according to the audio from the incident, but shouldn’t a congressional candidate be able and expected to handle such a question and alone?

      I would agree that there is a lot of “crap” out there online, but I don’t think a question about the CBO is “crap.”

      But anyway, I would prefer to “Take it Back” myself…… 😉

      In my opinion, the GOP is much better than Trump, Gianforte and anyone who wants to “take it out back.” And you are better than that too. Don’t let the “brownshirts” take over your Party. America and the history of the Republican Party are better than that…… Let’s keep it clean, mature, and respectful…..

      1. Is that how you keep your women quiet too Troy? You “take them out back” and learn them lessons? How barbaric with the simpleton thinking here.

  10. Trump dealing with NATO was standing ovation stuff.
    Trump dealing with Islamic terrorists in Arab country was true grit (yes, that’s a John Wayne reference)
    I’m a late to the party admirer of Trump’s handling of things, but you’d have to have no IQ points to miss the great things he did on this trip
    Now if we could get rid of his twitter account

    1. I think his twitter account is a great asset. Politicians, Republicans in particular, are paralyzed with the notion that their every statement has to be perfectly accurate as if they were under oath in a courtroom. Trump speaks his mind and his supporters appreciate that it’s “real”. He is upset about something, well, he will tell you. He has an opinion he wants to express? He will just tell you without having a press aide, two comm specialists and a senior advisor review and edit it first.

      So you can poke holes in what he says. So what? No one is perfect, no one is omniscient. The brilliance of his tweets is that it he seems genuine. People are weary of sanitized bulls**t.

      1. You do realize that the President’s words can cause markets to crash and people to get killed? It used to be that President’s had the sense to check and double-check with his staff before rattling off on a subject. Why? See sentence one above.

    2. You are just in time for the impeachment and or resignation then….. And, although, the Twitter account needs to go. Taking it away is like not letting “Reagan be Reagan.” It has unintended consequences, like the dismantling of his political ethos….

    3. You are “late to the party” but you are an “admirer”. If I authored three far-fetched conspiracy theories on this blog, I would expect all of you to note my total lack of credibility and mental fitness. So Lee, what “IQ points” are required to look the other way when it comes to this President and his alternative facts?

      Or maybe you believe that Obama was born in Africa and Cruz’s father was a party to the Kennedy assassination. That there were three million illegal Clinton votes that slipped by all of those Secretaries of State.

      Tell me, Lee, are those things true? If not, you’ve got a big problem on your hands. Fake spews.

  11. Troy said: “This reporter and too many people face-to-face and online get away with crap that can be ended with a punch in the mouth.”

    Apparently Troy thinks that physical violence is an appropriate response to a tough question.

    Troy’s feelings get hurt by words and he wants to punch you in the mouth.

    Who’s the snowflake again?

  12. Sorry to tell you this, Mr Powers, but ever since the paparazzi killed Princess Di, everybody hates you.

  13. These things aren’t debatable. There is no accepting the assaulting of a reporter. There is no defense for a President firing an FBI director to “ease pressure” from a Russia investigation.

    No. Stop trying to justify these things. You look ridiculous. History will be a harsh judge on this one.

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