So how many millions did Democrats waste on the Iowa Caucuses?

Watching the news this AM, one of the reporters was questioning how many millions Democrat candidates wasted in Iowa after last night’s voting debacle?

Over the course of months they pumped staff, advertising, surrogates, and a ridiculous amount of effort to come out on top of the first in the nation caucus in an attempt to gain early momentum… which yet the next day, still no one knows who won.

What are your thoughts?

25 thoughts on “So how many millions did Democrats waste on the Iowa Caucuses?”

    1. I think their ultimate goal was to keep bernie from having a strong victory he could show momentum from.

      They also know Biden would be 4th so they needed to keep him alive until South Carolina.

  1. There is zero reason the 31st most populous state in the country continues to hold a de-facto veto on Presidential candidates. If this mess helps eliminate it, great.

    Unsurprisingly, the Trump campaign is trying to weave conspiracy theories.

      1. What does this even mean? No joke, Troy, 5 years ago your posts were significantly more coherent and, while I disagreed with them much of the time, your points were at least cogent.

        You are slipping, man.

        1. anyone with common sense could leap to the conclusion that its all a little too convenient, given the probable outcome of a sanders blowout

          1. Again, what?

            I am not seeing a conspiracy, just commenting on the President’s campaign encouraging the theories. Are you on glue?

            1. The Sanders people are saying it’s a conspiracy — as it was in 16 when the DNC rigged the primary so HRC would beat Sanders. The 2016 DNC conspiracy is not a theory. It’s a fact. They gave Hillary the CNN debate questions in advance. 2020? There’s no evidence it’s corruption. It could be massive incompetence by the Iowa democratic party. But, as the Des Moines register reported, the people in charge were former Hillary campaign operatives. And, as that far right mouthpiece The New York Times has observed, Iowa’s non-outcome is terrific news for the establishment favorite,Joe Biden, and very bad news for anti-establishment socialist Bernie. As Nate Silver wrote “the lead story around the 2020 Iowa Democratic caucuses is now — and will forever be — the colossal shitshow around the failure to release results in a timely fashion.Maybe there will eventually be a decent-sized Iowa bounce despite all of this. But there’s a good chance that the candidates who did well in Iowa get screwed, and the candidates who did poorly there get a mulligan.”

              So, maybe Joe got lucky? Here’s Nate’s full analysis at 538:


              1. Also: Per CNN just now, Biden campaign reportedly seeking court injunction to halt this afternoon’s partial release of Iowa results.

  2. “ . . . a non-profit, progressive (developer) created the app”

    The left is even playing identity politics with electrons now.

    1. Well, in that case, I guess the important question is: How diverse is the app development team?

  3. i think it’s official. we are done bashing broward county florida as having the dumbest political process ever.

  4. Bernie Bros were behind this mess. They cheat and sabotage. The other Dem candidates and their supporters can’t stand Bernie and especially the worst of his cult like rabid supporters.

    1. There’s a chance that’s true, but I seriously doubt it. The Iowa outcome hurts Sanders more than it hurts any other candidate. It helps Biden more than it helps any other candidate. The other big winner is Bloomberg, who made the tactical decision to skip Iowa and focus on the March 3 primaries. That move looks brilliant right now. He did not waste time or money. Either the Iowa dems are guilty of incompetence on a massive, unprecedented scale or else the outcome was manufactured by insiders looking to squelch the Sanders faction and/or help Biden/ Bloomberg.

        1. For most, “adequately explained” means “except when I think otherwise.” There’s no proof (yet) of an Iowa conspiracy. Therefore, the Iowa dems are guilty of incompetence on a massive, unprecedented scale or else the Iowa outcome was manufactured by insiders looking to squelch the Sanders faction and/or help Biden/ Bloomberg. Odds? maybe 70-30, but it’s one of those two, says Occam’s razor.

  5. Bernie Bros are already threatening to make the 1968 Dem convention look like a peace protest if Bernie is not the nominee.

  6. The “Big Club” doesn’t want Sanders so they are pulling out all the stops to slow his momentum. Bernie is the Lefts Trump, they are tired of the same old same old and ready for something different, I guess that difference is communism. No matter who the Dems nominate Trump will blow them away, period. If its Bernie, enough center-left Democrats will either stay home or vote Trump. If the DNC screws Bernie again his supporters will do the same stay home or vote Trump. The DNC is so corrupt they changed the rules again to let Bloomberg into the debates so you know they are trying to rig it. I would even go so far as to blow up their own Iowa caucus and claim the app was hacked or interfered with so they can keep pushing the narrative when Trump routs them that the election was rigged. The Dems are so despicable I would not put anything past them, even JFKing Trumps is in the realm, these folks are playing for keeps.

    Bottom Line – The DNC is not going to allow the Left-wing fanatics to take over their party and will do everything to stop Sanders if he wins the nomination. They might go so far and cash it in and let him blow it up. If the DNC was smart they would have elevated Gabbard, she is a veteran, well-spoken, and is attractive. Before you call me names, I am just stating looks matter to an extent when it comes to appeal.

  7. Iowa Dems need to start actually casting ballots and counting them instead of having the precinct official judge who won.

    Both parties need to re-do the primary/caucus system. I hope our SDGOP and delegates to the RNC start advocating for a change and moving SD up.

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