SOS Monae Johnson declares on her campaign website that she’s against online voter registration.. after she signed a state contract to provide for it.

Here’s an interesting anecdote that came my way today. 

On her campaign website – which was recently redoneSecretary of State Monae Johnson has expressly declared that “I am against voter fraud, online voting and online voter registration.”  (You can read that under Meet Monae):

While the Secretary of State claims to be AGAINST ONLINE VOTER REGISTRATION, there is an interesting contract that she signed in her role as Secretary of State that seems to be contrary to that stated position. A $4.5 million dollar contract.

Contract between SDSOS and KNOWINK by Pat Powers on Scribd

Go ahead and read it yourself, but the latest contract between the Secretary of State and election vendor KNOWINK seems to have been written with specific provisions with regards to online voter registration.

If Secretary of State Johnson is going to sign a contract for online voter registration, she probably shouldn’t declare on her revamped website that she’s against online voter registration less than 60 days later.

Just a thought.

9 thoughts on “SOS Monae Johnson declares on her campaign website that she’s against online voter registration.. after she signed a state contract to provide for it.”

  1. Hold the presses!! You mean to say a far-right elected official is a hypocrite? Surely this is a fluke, right?

  2. If I’m running for SOS next time around, I would campaign on the idea of scaling back early voting – perfect situation is election day only but practically speaking a couple weeks should be plenty. This six weeks for early voting was entirely conceived for the benefit of harvesting votes from voters who won’t show up on their own. If they won’t show up to vote — they shouldn’t allow someone else to harvest their vote.

  3. OR, early voting is about making it convenient for more people to participate in the election process. Alternatively, if you believe what you say, make everyone show up from 5 to 7 PM after work and vote. Taxpayers wouldn’t have to pay for such a long day of election workers.(I’m kidding)

  4. Monae is a nice person but a disgrace to the office. There have been far too many missteps under her tenure. I can’t imagine why anyone would continue to support her!

  5. With almost two months to early vote, and 12 hours on election day to vote, I would say 20% voter turn out is indicative that most don’t care.

    You will reap what you sow.

  6. Whatever we do, I’m certain our election procedures and processes will be firmly rooted in the 19th century.Pretty soon we’ll notice that we’ve had these election system controversies ever since we allowed stores to be open and liquor to be served on election day. With paper ballots and hand counting, we’ll go back to “the good old days.”

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