SOS reporting no voter fraud in SD

From the Argus Leader, contrary to the claims of some, the Secretary of State is reporting “no disputes of the presidential election outcome in 2020.”

You can read the story where the clip comes from here.

Why do I think that’s just throwing gasoline on the fire for those who don’t believe it?

16 thoughts on “SOS reporting no voter fraud in SD”

  1. If any of those legislators were ever a prosecutor, you might want to check on those cases. They make charges first… THEN search for some morsel of evidence. Anything will do.

    1. As one of those prosecutors, I will comfortably tell you that you’re very incorrect. And if you truly believe that, it shows a glaring misunderstanding of how the criminal justice system works.

        1. I was writing about the 24 legislators who are pushing voter fraud conspiracies. If you are one of them… then yea… I wouldn’t trust you to be a prosecutor.

          1. I misunderstood your comment. There was no voter fraud. Plain and simple. It wasnt there. My response was focused on the “make charges first…..THEN search for some morsel of evidence.” With the voter fraud claims, I would agree with that statement. However, in the general sense of criminal prosecution, that is in no way how it works. And none of the legislators making those claims are prosecutors. You cannot be a states attorney and a legislator in SD at the same time.

  2. Millions of otherwise normal Americans live a fantasy where the election was stolen, even though it was their candidate that tried unsuccessfully to steal it.

    1. I believe the phrase was “F*ck Your Feelings”? They sure have a lot of feelings of their own these days.

  3. And why does he have any credibility?

    Maybe he dhpuld take another cruise during session instead

  4. We are asking the ‘wrong questions’, and I Believe that people who understand the entire process, will understand what I am attempting to do here:

    “WE” need to hold a Legislative Public Hearing (audit or operation) to discuss the following:

    1) Audit and Review All Recorded Domiciles of Individuals in South Dakota;
    2) Audit and Review All Recorded Voter Registrations in the S.D Master File;
    3) Audit and Review All S.D Requested, Received, Counted Public Ballots;
    4) Subpoena the Secretary of State, the Election Board, County Auditors, any such Individual tasked with managing the Electoral Process of Elections;

    5) Subpoena All Evidence Required to Faithfully, and Honestly Discuss all things of public interest concerning the Election Process (federal, state, and local);

    6) Learn of the process of which the Secretary of State utilizes to ensure that ALL AMericans surrender/give up all previous Domiciles in Previous States;

    7) Learn of, and Question the need for Tightened Resctrictions of Absentee Ballots;

    8) Discover the process utilized by the Secretary of State and/or Attorney General in managing, and settling “controversies” between one or more States concerning domiciles, voter registrations, public elections.

    The only means of understanding whether or not there is FRAUD, ABUSE, or any form of Election Scheming going on is to “understand” the full means of governing our State Public Electoral Process…

    1. We only need to do this when our candidate doesn’t win. That or if our candidate wins, we stop future elections and just let the said candidate hand over power. This has been going on for a long time in countries like Russia, who support our legitimate candidates, and we could stop wasting money with these elections. The saved money could be given back as tax credits to job creators and this will trickle down to the workers. This was the intent of our founding fathers.

        1. Interestingly enough, after all these years of Republican control in South Dakota, it’s only now that your dear leader lost and is going on 3 years of a major tantrum that you’re interested in “audits.” You need to get over him.

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