South Dakota Democrats holding emergency meeting to toss out chair Jennifer Slaight-Hansen

South Dakota Democrats are holding an emergency meeting to throw out chairwoman Jennifer Slaight-Hansen after a slew of allegations regarding her mismanagement and abusive leadership style of the party. As noted in an article appearing in the Argus Leader:

The meeting will be at 11 a.m. Aug. 19 at Drifter’s in Fort Pierre, where the petition to recall Jennifer Slaight-Hansen will be presented, according to a joint resolution from 15 county Democratic Parties and two state central committee members sent on Tuesday.


As of Wednesday, at least 74 people had signed the recall petition out of a total of 120 eligible voters who can vote for the SDDP chair role, according to an email from Senate Minority Leader Reynold Nesiba (Sioux Falls), and reviewed by the Argus Leader. The 74 signatures are more than enough for what is needed to trigger the recall election process. At least half of the 120 eligible voters had to sign.

Read the entire story here in the Argus Leader.

Do we think Jennifer’s tenure will make the meeting? Or will she abandon ship before August 19th?

14 thoughts on “South Dakota Democrats holding emergency meeting to toss out chair Jennifer Slaight-Hansen”

  1. It would appear they already have the votes to remove her, so one wonders why she would go through with the meeting.

    1. Since that didn’t play out even for the slick weasel Ravnsborg one would think she’d take the hint. But selfish stubbornness is a hallmark of poor leadership in this state.

  2. Mr. H seems to not be paying attention to this, or is raging silently in his dwelling. None of the out-of-state name-callers are probably aware of this development. I would suggest, if he qualifies, that Mr. H hisownself might make a good replacement.

    1. Heck ya…then he can do for the SDDP on a stare level what he did for the dems in Aberdeen.

    2. One of the out-of-state name callers surrendered any remaining cognitive abilities to a defective AI program that is stuck on a loop and unaware also.

      1. That particular out-of-state-name caller didn’t have any cognitive ability to begin with.

        1. “About its inability to become offended by the insults of the toad farm called Dakota War College.”

          This is proof the hamburger flipping moron visits the DWC…how about it pain in the Aitch?

          1. If you want an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Assistant so badly, ask yourself what’s wrong with your spouse…perhaps? Or, even better, what’s wrong with yourself.

  3. grudznick..and, mark this as a rare occasion, I agree with you, if not Cory someone like Cory. The Democratic Party needs to be aggressive and assertive, bareknuckled, and out front, with it’s’ heart on its’ sleeve. For its’ survival, it’s the only available option. Fight like a junkyard dog.

        1. “Cory has a good job with the Nebraska government.”

          Straight from the D(umb) F(ing) P(eople) blog.

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