South Dakotans for Israel holding prayer vigil. NDN collective probably won’t attend.

After the news of the horrendous terrorist attacks in Israel where entire families were executed and there are reports that children were beheaded by terrorists, the group South Dakotans for Israel and the Calvary Chapel Church are holding a prayer vigil this coming Sunday in Sioux Falls at the El Riad Shrine Center:

You can find out more by clicking here.

However, based on a recent facebook post, I don’t believe the NDN Collective will be in attendance.

(I’m not linking to that. You can look it up yourself if you are so inclined.)

6 thoughts on “South Dakotans for Israel holding prayer vigil. NDN collective probably won’t attend.”

  1. It does not look good for Israel and the world.

    If it is denied its present mono-ethnic existence, will it also selfishly deny the rest of the world existence?

    Because that would be insanely psychopathic.

    But it appears as thought that’s where we’re headed .. Israel, like Russia, took bait.

    I’m waiting to see what, if any, traps are sprung.

    “When all else fails, they take you to war.” — Gerald Celente

  2. I stand with America, want border integrity, and massive investment in US small businesses immediately with no strings attached; for defense, for prosperity, for restoration of the middle class, for the continuity of the republic.

  3. Well I for one am shocked!

    They better not expect me supporting them if they violently take back the United States from us one day. I know it is their “homeland”, but it is mine now, and sure we’ve only had it “ours” for 250 years while the Palestinians had it theirs for 600. But, sorry, I won’t be treated like a Palestinian by them in my America.

  4. it’s a prayer vigil people. not a sun myung moon rally. you won’t be proselytized. judaism is a collection of tribes after all, and many don’t agree with netenyahu. they are called to pray for peace and for the victims of whatever creed.

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