42 thoughts on “Taffy trying to be the new Isaac at GOP convention”

  1. What the He11 does everyone have against Taffy? Perhaps the fact that she opposed Dusty, the Democratic a$$ kisser, in the former election? Unlike most in the SD and US Legislatures, she has read and voted on the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the GOP Platform. Maybe it is the fact that she is a Conservative Republican.

    1. She got every last penny of her legislator money but missed nearly 1 in 5 votes. She opposes any economic development. She is opposed to building any new houses in the state, especially at Ellsworth (which especially hurts now that they are getting the B21 raider). She also lied so much in that campaign that it’s hard to trust her. Is this enough of an explanation or do you want me to cite each of the votes too? Im sure there’s a list of each of these compiled somewhere on a blog near you…

      Things that I would like to see from her: a few things that she thinks that she could improve or pass a bill on (she’s not good at that either); which programs she will cut to get us out of 2.5 trillion dollar deficit (since she thinks it’s so easy).

    2. The State Senate lost Julie Fry Mueller in the primary, and picked up Taffy Howard. There was no net gain in the IQ points for the legislative body, and no reduction to the crazy points.

      1. By only 30 some votes, it would be so sad to me if a New Jersey super pac spent millions of dollars on me and I couldn’t blow out a race of only a few thousand voters. Terrible candidate that can barely win republicans.

          1. She doesn’t have enough respect by others to even entertain the idea; however, those in that little bubble will THINK she does and then she’ll look the fool.

    3. she publicly showed her disdain for the Republican party’s origins in the abolitionist movement at the state 2020 convention, tried to raid the party treasury at the state 2022 convention, didnt want the party endorsing its own candidates

      she’s awful. just awful

    4. Taffy is a pathological liar, a fraud, a narcissist, a RINO, an entitled whiney baby who sabotages the SDGOP at every given opportunity. She discouraged people from attending Trump fundraisers then acts like the biggest Trump supporter, she put up Jamie Smith signs all over her properties in 2022, she hosted Jamie Smith and stumped for him against Noem, then she turned around and took credit for helping Kristi win. She is the most attention hungry disgustingly disingenuous human being I’ve ever met and the single worst human being in SD politics by a mile, somehow even worse than Julie Frye Mueller. Taffy is actually the worst individual I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing, PERIOD. She is absolutely worthless and I mean that from a logician standpoint. She is self serving, manipulative, not one sliver of Godliness, she is the purest form of hypocrite, a husk, a waste of space, a disruptor, an obstacle for us all to overcome. She is the worst human being in South Dakota by a mile. Dusty has nothing to do with it, she is a truly rotten woman.

      1. Exactly what many others think that I have spoken to. You left out the biggest adjective that comes to mind – arrogant. She should stop listening to the same 80 people in the state because the rest of us thousands can’t find a reason to respect her. And believe me, I wanted to and tried. I truthfully did.

        Unless SHE changes and tries to become a bit more normal, she will continue to get the wrath she deserves from the thousands and not the 80 in her tiny circle.

    5. Ms. Taffy is very pretty, like Ms. Hubble, but is more of a self-promoting grubber still insaner than most. That is what people dislike about her.

    6. Um, I think “July 17, 2024 at 8:54 am” answered your question in full. IF she promoted Jamie Smith (VERY liberal even though he pretended not to be by voting more in the middle the ONE year before running for Governor), then she is absolutely NOT a conservative Republican regardless of a voting record. You promote someone who is the most Pro-Abortion (along with his wife) in the state; you are disqualified on any other merits. She shouldn’t be able to use the word ‘conservative’, let alone use it to describe herself.

      IF she did that or half of what that comment stated, SHE is definitely a RINO.

      Then again, back to the picture – that describes her to a tee. “I want to be seen and heard by everyone because I think I’m super important”

      1. Imagine calling yourself a conservative and voting Democrat for 30 years. Even giving 100k to the Clinton’s. Care to take a guess who that is?

      2. Anonymous says:
        July 17, 2024 at 3:29 pm

        There’s no IFs about it. CFL hosted Jamie Smith and Collin Duprel but never invited Dusty or Noem. Jamie mentioned in his speech how he knew it was time for a change and that he already knew a lot of them agreed. He went on to name Taffy Howard, Phil Jensen, and Julie Frye-Mueller by name as they all sat nodding in agreement, along with Tonchi Weaver. Phil Jensen got up to the mic and called him “An honest Democrat.” They then proceeded to ask him easy softball questions before grilling Collin Duprel on the topic of abortion. This debacle took place in a Catholic church by the way. That boomerang could come back real fast if they don’t learn real quick that the people they’re trying to sabotage are the same people they should be trying to impress.

        1. THIS is VERY disturbing. To the core. This needs to be more publicized. Shaking my head… Truly a RINO.

    7. You call Dusty a “Democrat *butt-kisser” because he opposed Trump on a couple of occasions, but even Dusty never put out a Facebook post publicly discouraging Republicans from attending Trump’s fundraisers. Dusty also didn’t support Jamie Smith in 2022. Dusty didn’t bunk up with the weird pillow guy and publicly slander every Republican who has been more successful. He also doesn’t LIE about opposing Trump, he stands by his convictions. Taffy’s only conviction is to her own self-service, she will deny deny deny every single transgression she has ever made, like a carbon copy of Hillary Clinton.

      Who is the real Democrat butt-kisser???

  2. Taffy does not demonstrate the professionalism that citizens deserve from elected officials. She is an ultra conservative and does not consider the best interest of her constituents. If she was a champion of the people listening to create a balanced vote, show up to vote, speak respectfully to voters. I’m embarrassed to have her represent South Dakota at the RNC. Next time send a veteran or a college student!

      1. Army Vet here with two deployments overseas: shut your mouth. The Air Force is essential for US military superiority and its troops have always been professionals when I worked with them. Stop saying stupid garbage like this. There are plenty of reasons to hate on a dishonest, stupid, and self aggrandizing weasel like Taffy Howard. Dont make her service one of them.

        1. Absolutely agree. Shame on you, Anonymous @8:55 for disparaging the Air Force and the sacrifices airmen and women make.

        2. 100% correct. I thought the military disparaging/comparing stopped when Stace disappeared. That should never happen. Like you say, there is a PLETHORA of reasons people dislike or have disdain for Howard.

        1. That’s actually a good issue for her to stand on, she already has the #1 example of why women shouldn’t serve in combat with her at all times: herself.
          Could you even imagine being in a foxhole with Taffy Howard? I’d take the “easy way out” right then and there.

      2. I served 4 years in the Air Force and I AM a veteran. I also am NOT a fan of Daffy Duck but if she served and received an honorable discharge then she is a veteran, a poor excuse for a Republican but that is another story.

  3. I think Rapid City keeps sending Taffy to Pierre just to get her out of town for nine weeks a year. Understandable.

    1. it is kind of fun watching everyone act like the gop still exists, or even matters in the long run. i can’t wait to see what replaces it, and who rises to lead. whatever it is can’t be good.

      1. The GOP ain’t going nowhere… we will patiently wait for the freedom caucus and ultras to pass through.

        1. Is Freedom Caucus even a thing? Pretty sure that was created out of ‘Trumpers’; Kristi is the biggest ‘Trumper’ in the state and I’m guessing she wasn’t included… How can you be a ‘Trumper’ and not be for Noem. They can’t see the forest through the trees…

        2. you do not grasp the gravity of the situation. if trump wins the gop teeters on the brink of becoming a new khmer rouge, and probably becomes one if trump shuts down congress. prospects are not pretty.

    2. Ask anyone in the GOP, they don’t recognize her. Even the local yokels are starting to wise up to her perpetual leftist shenanigans.

  4. Citizens for Liberty bullet voted to put Howard in the senate over Jason Green. Where were you when she narrowly won by 32 votes?!? You should have been working hard and donating money for Green, yet did you?? We did!!

    1. The only person to blame for Green’s loss is Green himself. We saw nothing from him during his campaign. With two phone calls to the right people he could have won easily.

  5. Skimming through these comments, it seems there’s a lot of genuine hatred for Taffy Howard, and that’s a sad reflection on cyber society. Comments like she’s “not pretty” or “low IQ” and even attacking her service in the Air Force, that’s pretty low. You may not like her or her politics, but spewing vitriol from an anonymous armchair is a poor substitute for professional counseling. We have met the enemy, and it is us.

    1. Campaigning for SD to get a Democrat governor elected??? Think about that for a minute.

      She is the enemy and a RINO. Doesn’t get more plain and simple.

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