14 thoughts on “Tell us you’re not running for office again, without telling us you’re not running again…”

  1. How many signatures do I need to officially become President of the Deep State?

    Otherwise, I’m going to need an address to send the invoice.

  2. Please, Fred, Jon, Phil, JFM, Tom, and lord knows how many others have expressed the same nonsense.

    1. I refuse to participate in your religious war.

      Christopher Columbus was brave, capable, and savage .. just like many of the peoples he helped conquer.

    2. You are just making this up. I would tell you to cite your sources but you obviously don’t have any.

  3. columbus gets too much credit, good and bad. if not him it would have been someone else paving the way for european exploitation of the americas. arriving, acquiring, expanding, manifest destiny, it’s all deeply problematic.

  4. Columbus was a hired gun, an Italian in the employ of the Spanish who were trying to outflank the other European nations, and find whatever natural resource was easily within reach, whether spices or gold and silver. They were representatives of the Catholic Church, and natives of the lands they conquered were first conquered, then enslaved, then converted, then sentenced to peonage.Columbus, the Admiral of the Ocean Sea, as the Historian Samuel Morrison called him, was a visionary Navigator, not a spreader of civilization. That came later, after centuries of barbarism.

  5. This is where public education has gotten us: a generation unaware of the civilization that flourished in Mesoamerica until the Europeans arrived with firearms and smallpox

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