12 thoughts on “That was quick..”

    1. Maybe it’s because the only immigrants that group historically wants in the state are the ones they can marry on the internet.

        1. I’m just going to guess, but I would say Autocratic South Dakotan’s. In particular ones that spent a lot of time in our state legislature fighting for xenophobic ideology. I wouldn’t necessarily say Stace did that in all situations, he did stand up for what is right on some of the anti-free speech law that Kristi was pushing to cater to the pipeline companies. But maybe he just knew about the first amendment and knew Kristi was going to lose in a court case.

  1. At this time of year, it seems there are still people who feeeeeeeeel the need to post hateful, snarky comments about another person.

    1. Considering the huge swath of destruction and hate that was left in the wake of the USS was Stacey, while in Pierre, he made himself a target …. for life.

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