Dusty Johnson’s Weekly Column: Snowed In

Snowed In
By Rep. Dusty Johnson
December 15, 2022 

A big snowstorm came across the state this week, canceling school and closing offices for many people. While remote working and learning has made snow days a thing of the past, being inside day and night makes it easy to get bored in the evenings. When this much snow comes down, it’s time to think up some fun activities to do at home.

I’ve compiled a list of ideas to get you started:

  1. Watch C-SPAN. They show a completely unfiltered view of government – you can see exactly what is happening on the House and Senate floors and in committee rooms across the Capitol.
  2. Bake chocolate chip cookies (my favorite)
  3. Build a snowman and give him glasses and an orange tie
  4. Watch my favorite Christmas movie – Elf
  5. Play a board game or a card game – I love playing Exploding Kittens with my family
  6. Read The Children’s Blizzard book by David Laskin. I read this several years ago and it changed how I thought about how resilient the South Dakota pioneers needed to be.
  7. Do a scavenger hunt with your extended family on a video call

As South Dakotans, we are familiar with snowstorms, but remember ice and snow can be dangerous even when you are being cautious. If you have to leave your house, obey road closures, drive slowly and safely, wear your seatbelt, and bundle up when you leave the house.

Take care.


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