7 thoughts on “That’s a weird thing to lean into.”

  1. Does an evening of “Politics with Pischke at Prohibition Pub” involve buying all the drinks for the renowned middleweight drinker who cohorts above his weigh class? It does not seem like much of a prize, and you wouldn’t want to get sideways with young Mr. Pischke in the debates over, say, child support obligations or being a general classless deadbeat. I can see him now, spittle flying, one shirt tail untucked and banging his mug on the table.

  2. I wonder if Tom Pischke’s keeper will be there? Daddy Doeden needs to be in the loop if he is gonna be paying for this sort of Tom-Foolery. Kind of seems like a car salesman (Doeden) pitch doesn’t it? “ I’ll pour your syrup if you give me money.” Moral of the story is D25 is the laughing stock of the legislature. Cry Baby Heinemann, Holier than you Hansen, and Do nothing Tom.

  3. So nice to see a different district (other than 30) being Pischked, I mean picked on for a change! After November, the torch will officially be passed to District 25!

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