The Hill: Kristi Noem most likely to win the Trump veepstakes

As she prepares to give the South Dakota budget address today, South Dakota Governor is hitting the news again for another reason, as the beltway publication “The Hill” ranked Governor Noem as the most likely politician to be named as Donald Trump’s running mate:

She has made clear she would be interested in the job, and she is one of the rare potential picks who Trump has publicly acknowledged would be on his list of possible candidates.

“Oh, absolutely,” Noem said on Newsmax in September when asked whether she would consider a slot on the ticket with Trump. “I would in a heartbeat.”

As governor of a deep red state, she has enacted significant abortion restrictions and banned transgender women from participating on school sports teams consistent with their gender identity.

She passes the loyalty test, which is key for Trump: She’s already endorsed him in the 2024 race. The 52-year-old’s gender and relative youth would also bring balance to the ticket alongside 77-year-old Trump.

Read the entire story, as well as review the rest of the list, here at the Hill.

60 thoughts on “The Hill: Kristi Noem most likely to win the Trump veepstakes”

  1. Would be great if it required her to resign before taking this on, she is already pretty much absent in her current role.

    1. Absent? How so? Can you name one person who made Vice President their second job? The only thing absent here seems to be your mind.

        1. I’ve never heard of Mr. Vice President Ohio, or Mr. Vice President Texas, or Mr. Vice President Florida, and I’ve certainly never heard of Mrs. Vice President Paris.

    1. Won’t happen. She may be insanely loyal to The Don, but only brings 3 electoral votes along with her. Also, she does not move the needle with moderates in swing states that he is going to need to win.

      VP nominee will be from a state Trump won in 2016 but lost in 2020 to bring it back into the fold. She should have plenty of cabinet or ambassador options to choose from (should he win).

      1. actually she’s a great choice because he can move her out of the state and be assured someone just about exactly like her will be the new governor.

  2. She knows who he is.

    She knows that ten of Trump’s top appointees have publicly declared that he is unfit for office. She knows that he tried staying in the White House after losing by seven million votes. The courts, both conservative and liberal, have upheld his loss over fifty times. She knows that too.

    Trump wrote this in a post. “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” No doubt, she has seen the quote. She knows what it means. Trump has even threatened to execute generals and prosecute political opponents.

    Obviously, Kristi can look past all of that. Worse, she is willing to help achieve those goals as his Vice President.

    What disturbs me the most is not what Kristi Noem does. I expect this from her. What bothers me is that so many of you… people that I have long respected… perpetuate these lies along with her.

    Lies. Often, they are downright evil. Some of you need to be reminded of that.

    1. “Lies. Often, they are downright evil. Some of you need to be reminded of that.”

      Maybe you should follow your own advice? UH, uh ,uh, uh…nope can’t do that because your a good little liberal!

      1. Have at it. Point out my lies. Or… just keep calling me a liberal. Although that is a lie too. Not that you care.

        1. You’re not a liberal. Just another simple-minded good ol’ ‘Publican who doesn’t know how to hide their IP address. There’s one way to settle this, and that’s to provide a SOURCE to this quote: “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,”
          If you can provide me a link to this, perhaps “elk” won’t become a name used by useless liberals.

            1. It means you’ve exposed yourself as afraid of taking accountability for your own online interactions, in which you blatantly lie to mankind. Not very Christian of you, Matthew. *tsk tsk*

              1. Matthew? It’s almost like you have ESP.

                If you take my first, middle and last name… you have two letters correct. For you… not bad.

                1. I don’t spread disinformation, anonymous or otherwise. But I’m a Republican, so I’m not going to have my family harassed due to my CORRECT political views. If you’re going to quote someone, you better have sources ready. I’m calling you both out now, let’s see the proof!
                  I have tweets of Trump telling people to behave and treat the Capitol police respectfully BEFORE the riot, the same day! Why did Twitter take it down??? He then called in the National Guard, which Pelosi didn’t sign off on. He tweeted that too, and Twitter STILL took it down. Why did they take it down??? Why did Facebook target black Conservatives in the months leading up to the election? Don’t you people care about the poor minorities whose votes you steal every year? In digression, I totally get the double-standard with Rs being stuck with Trump, but it’s a situation Democrats created. 90% of us were calling CNN fake news as far back as 2009, many years before he ever even uttered the phrase for the first time. We’ve been wanting to build a wall on the southern border since the 90s. But because Democrats are incapable of understanding outside perspectives, they centered it ALL around Trump. Now, the “alt-right” has become the majority as a reactionary solution to never being heard. Trump was NOT an island which his followers hopped ship to swim to, he is a cruise-ship picking up anyone who’s been forced to walk the plank by Government restrictions, PC censorship, and ignoramuses like you and Thing 1.

                  1. you’re a reactionary solution all right – 2020 proved you’re not a majority at all. the illusion of a huge movement you’ve believed since the first massive taxed-enough public rally has had a severe immediate decline. the alinsky radical tactics you’ve employed to wedge into local power wouldn’t be necessary for a majority. forgive us for dismissing your theory.

          1. Trump himself posted it on Truth Social on December 3, 2022:


            Here’s the full quote:

            “So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great “Founders” did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”

            So, just admit that Elk was correct and learn how to google. You look like a fool.

            1. A fool? You just misquoted the original text! And with a post made after election-fraud was PROVEN, WEEKS BEFORE THE INAUGURAL CEREMONY.
              “Truther” isn’t just a fool, he is also a moron. Get with it.

              1. You need help, dude. Habitual lying is not healthy. Please think of your family and loved ones. You are sick.

    2. thanks for your vigilance elk. i appreciate your attention to facts and details, especially the most inconvenient and fully documented ones. i also share your disappointment in some others. have a good day, and stay the course.

      1. Why don’t you just wait to tell him at your next CFL meeting?
        Your bunch is so oblivious it hurts.

        1. i renounced affiliation more than a decade ago. you’re just typing whatever pops into your head aren’t you.

          1. I’m affiliated with the Republican party by proxy of common sense. The adorableness of Libertarians and Independents is that they all think they’re intellectual Jesus, but really they’re just ineffectual internet loudmouths. It’s far less adorable among Democrats. Both sides have evil, but if you really can’t tell which side is more sensible then you’re really not an intellectual at all, just a lad with no real convictions. People like you allowed Biden to win the presidency with your self-righteous indifference.

  3. nearly everyone who has lifted a finger for trump has lived to regret it. except for steve bannon and roger stone, i can’t think of anyone who truly can say donald trump was the best thing that ever happened to them.
    on the other hand, vice-monarch would be a new and unique career move.

    1. Best president since Reagan, and I’d vote for him over Abe Lincoln. As long as Democrats exist, I will ALWAYS vote as hard the opposite direction as feasibly possible. It’s time that real men stand up and SAY what is right instead of you little internet gerbils nibbling away at the truth while everyone just talks about how cute you are while doing it. Take your stupid eccentric views, your LGBT apologies, and your useless blog and kick rocks until one of those rocks crosses the border of either California or Pakistan. Seriously, Cory.

      If you’re not intelligent enough to present anything helpful, AT LEAST have the conscientious ability to do yourself the favor of shutting your own trap so it doesn’t have to be our problem too.

      1. LOL thanks for the input steve canyon LOL – i voted for reagan, and ford before him and every republican after whether they won or lost. i’m especially sad phil gramm never got to be president but that is another story.
        “Best President of my life time!” “Best President of my lifetime!” how easily a person can blather that, in shouting down others who endanger their beliefs. i’m glad the best president of YOUR life is the one who pre-plans to use the army to halt the election he’s losing so he can invalidate it – THEN immediately fires the secretary of defense when he won’t call out the army on no legal pretext.
        i’m glad the best president of YOUR life denigrated a hero who suffered horribly in hanoi while he was out chasing girls and drinking and avoiding military service.
        i’m glad the best president of YOUR life set up fox news to lose many millions in court for broadcasting his election “truths.”

        i could go on and on, mr. keyboard warrior. in short, trump is not the best president of my life. stories like this are such a distraction.

        1. ps “shutting my trap” – HA HAHAHAHAHABAHAHhhahHaa I’ll get right on it. LOL

          i look forward to many more blasts of your outrage, as many as you have.

        2. Oh dang, did you get bombed after he fired the Secretary of Defense? No? Then who CARES???
          Did anyone die during this horrible Insurrection? Oh- Only one Republican? Do you think calling out the ARMY would have prevented that ONE casualty on the opposite side?? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE ARMY DOES???
          Did this “hero” from Hanoi put bread on my table? Did any Democrat EVER put bread on my table??? How about yours?? NO? THEN WHY. DO. YOU. CARE.
          Democrats need to get their priority straight. MONEY IS NUMBER ONE. You and I may not care about money that much, and there’s a reason for that my friend, we didn’t NEED to. Now, I have to pinch every penny just to start a family with going into crippling debt to do so. How big has your family grown? IM ENQUIRING.

          So no, Democrats have done nothing for no one. They haven’t sprinkled CRUMBS on the table for anyone who they didn’t have a vote to gain from.
          Not me. NOT YOU. TRUMP put bread on the table. When he took the presidency, stocks shot straight up and continued to climb all the way into COVID. I sold at a huge profit after holding out on 8 years of Obama. In the REAL WORLD, Trump was the best President of your grandfather’s lifetime and yours. In the real world, we don’t look to politicians for queues on how to behave, or what tweets to send out, NO. IN THE REAL WORLD WE CARE ABOUT AUTONOMY AND PROSPERITY. DEMOCRATS RUN ON THE PLATFORM OF TAKING BOTH FROM US EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR.

          1. Translation: Trump was good for stocks so… that thing he said about discarding the Constitution… no biggie.

            And about January 6th… “Many people were injured, including 138 police officers. Four officers who responded to the attack died by suicide within seven months.” Wikipedia

            But you care about one rioter who got herself killed. How nice of you.

          2. keyboard warrior, you are so angry and misinformed in every way, it’s not possible to talk to you. *sigh* you’ll probably keep trolling my posts, sad to say. i don’t think there’s any point in debating you.

            1. There’s no point in debating anonymous people on the internet?

              “You must have an IQ of 160!”

                  1. The minimum threshold for MENSA is 133 and varies depending on the actual test. I know this because I’m actually in it with a few friends from my college days. It’s entirely pointless, and the kind of people that join are just like you, unable to have an intellectual conversation about anything outside of trains and jigsaw puzzles. Intelligent people don’t post their IQ on the internet. I don’t see that fact being contradicted here today.

                    1. i didn’t join, seemed pointless. there’s no shame in your 133, they can lead very productive lives.

  4. Well, we were assured by the good governor her focus is here in South Dakota. No way she lied, right?

  5. Just last night…

    Sean Hannity: You are promising America tonight that you would never abuse power as retribution against anyone?

    Donald Trump: Except for day one.

    Oh. What a way to answer that question. Then Trump tries to clean it up with talk about drilling and borders. And how he will only be a dictator for one day.

    Gee… I am so relieved.

    1. I hope he picks Governor Kristi Noem to be his VP for the ticket. This will be fun to watch. I can already hear the toilet flush as they swirl down the bowl.

  6. Good lord, the comment section here is amazing. Everything from “yer a liberal” to epeen IQ measurements. Folks, we have officially gone full on stupid here. I bet aluminum foil is a hot commodity here in SD…

    1. when you post a sane comment to no one in particular and get singled out by the troll squad yourself, get back to us on that. welcome.

  7. THIS IS A MOOT POINT. trump has already obviously picked vivek ramaswany. proof:

    vivek is as nasty as trump would be if trump were there himself. as long as his designated hitter is in there doing the dirty work of attacking the opponents, trump doesn’t have to be. boom. score.
    vivek also plays a racial / cultural card as a person of india-centric heritage – desantis and christie are slower to use the claws with him, plus standing there vivek is a constant reminder that haley is not a white northern european, which trump would want all gop voters to dwell on. it’ll be a devastated field of battle, no survivors and trump will walk on at convention fresh as a daisy and say what happened here? vivek is VP.

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