The Hill: Thune one of two front-runners in shadow race to replace McConnell as Senate GOP Leader

As many people across the country witnessed the moment when Kentucky Senator and Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell lost his words during a press conference recently, speculation has run rampant as to who will be replacing Senator McConnell as Minority Leader if he steps down. As the #2 person in the Senate, South Dakota Senator and Minority Whip John Thune is one of the front runners for the position, and an article in “The Hill” goes into further detail:

McConnell’s health came back into the spotlight Wednesday when he froze midsentence while delivering his opening remarks at the weekly Republican leadership press conference and had to step away from the podium and return to his office for a few minutes to recover.


The lawmaker noted that Senate Republican Whip John Thune (R-S.D.) ran the Senate floor this month during the debate and votes on the annual defense authorization bill, with his staff working in close coordination with floor staff to get agreements on amendments and resolve objections.

“Thune is running the floor, he’s running the [National Defense Authorization Act] negotiations,” the lawmaker said.


The senator said the shadow race to one day replace McConnell has boiled down to Thune, Sen. John Cornyn (Texas), who previously served as Senate GOP whip, and Senate Republican Conference Chairman John Barrasso (Wyo.).

Read the entire story here.

12 thoughts on “The Hill: Thune one of two front-runners in shadow race to replace McConnell as Senate GOP Leader”

  1. This would be great for SD and I hope it happens.

    When Tom Daschle was the Democratic leader in the Senate, it gave him the opportunity to help SD in some unique ways. Unfortunately, it also put him into conflict with our SD voters, because he had to the move to the left at the same time that SD was moving to the right.

    As a Republican, Thune would be in a much better position. There would still be some tension, but to a far greater extent than Daschle his position as leader would be a multiplier of his influence for SD, rather than detract from his popularity in SD.

    1. not sure thune wants to be either the visible face of opposing the house freedom caucus, or the visible face of supporting them.

      1. I’m always struck by people who have a long-term private personal relationship and have never had an intimate private conversation (not talking about a conversation in private) with Senator Thune have an opinion on such a deeply personal matter.

        It reminds me of when so many of his “friends” (including enquirer if I recall correctly) thought he wasn’t going to run for re-election AND articulated “reasoning”. Anyone who knows Senator Thune knows being a visible face doing what he thinks is right would be an impediment or detriment to him. He has relished being a “visible face” and leader since he started playing basketball.

        1. you do not recall correctly. i always think thune is running, probably for this too. he just never seems to lead with his chin, as they say.

          1. So you don’t know him well enough to make that assessment? Just like to throw shade. Lead with your chin and say something substantive.

            1. leading with your chin is slang for doing things in a strategically poor manner. if thune gets top leadership he’ll always do the smart thing. that’s my point. he won’t be popular with a lot of you, and won’t be radically different than mcconnell. i don’t know him personally, just predicting from past actions.

    1. Barrasso? Is he playing spoiler for Cornyn?

      No outside option like Scott or Rubio?

      1. Scott might make noise, but he’s about as liked as Ted Cruz and there’s no way the failures of the 2022 midterms don’t kill his chances completely.

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