The pillow guy must be hard up for guest hosts.

From “Frank Speech,” it looks like we know where “self-declared election expert” Rick Weible has been since he was at the receiving end of a campaigning 101 lesson on how to run for office in the primary.  Weible seems to be the fill-in guest host for the pillow guy show on the pillow guy website.

I’m surprised he’s running this far above the radar, considering Rick declared to the Brookings County Commission that his “life is at risk” on March 19th.

Although, this could actually be an underground bunker. Or a storage closet.

Stay tuned.

3 thoughts on “The pillow guy must be hard up for guest hosts.”

    1. Once considered a viable possible candidate for MN Governor and then went off the deep end into free falls. He had a great personal story but self destructed.

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