Thune: Biden Builds Back Big Government

Thune: Biden Builds Back Big Government

“Under the Biden budget, in just a few short years working Americans could be facing thousands of dollars in higher taxes. All these hikes, of course, are an attempt to pay for the Biden administration’s new spending.”

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WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today discussed President Biden’s budget, which would raise taxes by $3.6 trillion over 10 years. The budget would raise taxes on middle-class families by allowing the tax relief Republicans passed in 2017 to expire. It also proposes at least 30 separate tax increases, including a hike in the capital gains tax, a hike in the top income tax rate, and a new death tax.

16 thoughts on “Thune: Biden Builds Back Big Government”

    1. Troy, did you ever make this comment under Trump? If not, why not?

      1. Joe Biteme is making President Trump look like a piker when it comes to debt increases.

        1. That’s a weird way to write “Imma deflect like crazy because the question makes me uncomfortable.”

          It’s a fair question. Debts and deficits matter or they don’t. Troy doesn’t have much to say when his team is the one running up the scoreboard, but now he is Mr. Economic Responsibility again.

        2. Joe inherited Trump’s mess the same way Barack inherited Dubya’s mess.

  1. Thune had a chance to stop this by objecting to the fraudulent election but instead chose to insult Trump supporters. Now he expresses concern…way too late and ineffective.

    1. You have just exposed what I think is Thune’s great weakness going into 2022. Everyone is talking about Noem’s vulnerabilities on both sides of the aisle, but the most vulnerable Republican in ’22 in my estimation is not Kristi or Dusty, it’s Thune.

  2. You helped add 8 trillion to the national debt during the previous four years, why weren’t you concerned then? You can’t just be conservative when the other party is in charge. To many politicians put their re-election first and follow their pack. You have been a good voice for agriculture and still will have the support of we SouthDakota farmers.

  3. Senator Thune criticizing Biden on budget is like Rosie O’Donnell criticizing Juan Pedro Franco for eating a Cheesburger.

    How much money was wasted sending National Guard to DC, something that ..





  4. There is no way John Thune will not be re-elected. The D party is so poorly run I doubt the DNC will want to spend any real money on a long shot, whoever that is. They have no money, no leadership and above all no morals. They have used up the few “big” names they had.
    The only thing they have going for them is liberal newspapers and moronic bloggers. So, throw some names out there, libs.
    Who wants to be an asterisk for the rest of lives? Remy? Cody Allen H………? Who wants to the next lib up? Please, throw out some names of some viable candidates.

  5. Lincoln Project trafficker and South Dakotan’s for Paul Ryan 2024 state chairman has sensitivities, but not to debt.

  6. Two questions that I now get to ask repeatedly:
    What really happened to the $10 Trillion Obama blew
    and why did Trump sign that Pork laden spending bill which everyone knew was an earmarked pig?

    Never too late to do the right thing.

    1. The $10 Trillion saved capitalism just as FDR once did. Democrats save capitalism, while Republicans abuse it.

  7. VSG @2:44: Fair Question. I did criticize Trump’s inattention and lack of dedication to responsible spending budgets. It was the #1 criticism I had of him from a policy perspective. In fact, he too often through money to appease Democrats to get them to back his policy goals, which I think was in some cases a bad trade because the spending is now overhead for ever. It probably got lost as Trump’s spending excesses were in small chunks vs. Biden’s.

    VSG @243: You are dreaming if you think Thune is vulnerable. I think the realistic question is whether Thune, Noem, and Johnson might end up being unopposed or just have Ahler’s like competition.

    VSG @ 11:29: That is just crazy talk on all points. You can do better, can’t you?

    Jim Peterson: Fair point except let’s remember half of the Trump debt (still too much) was Covid related where there was 90% support in Congress so saying $8T is an “exaggeration” unnecessary to make your real point- Trump spent a lot which I think was too much. Additionally, I think Trump needs to share in the boondoggle that is Biden’s first Covid $2T bill. Trump’s endorsement of $2,000 per person & his throwing the Atlanta Senate elections made that waste possible.

    1. I mean, you can blame Trump’s proclivities for debt on dems, except for the fact that this is the way the man has ALWAYS done business. The man called himself “The King of Debt,” for pete’s sake. I don’t think it’s so easy to hand waive away a man with zero sense of financial responsibility doing what he has always done.

      1. I’m not quite sure who you think is waiving off Trump’s deficits. That said, in addition to the magnitude of the deficits, Trump’s general intrusion into the economy and civil liberties is significantly less than Biden’s.

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