Imagine running for office doing your own thing, talking to community members, putting up signs, etc. And then a bombshell is dropped in your lap when on an unsolicited basis, Satan endorses you. Maybe not coming from the dark lord himself, but a text message blast fired out a short while ago this AM which may have roiled two local races seems pretty close.
Both Al Austreim running for Brookings City Council and Kelsey Bowman running for Brookings School Board are registered Republicans, and had been putting forth a respectable effort in running with signs, mailers and the such going out in what had been a sleepy contest.
And then this text message hit this morning:
Toby Doeden’s, Dakota First Action had fired off a text message in support of local Brookings candidates Kelsey Bowman and Al Austreim in the April 8 election, It was surprising, considering the PAC had shown no interest to date in the race. The problem with Doeden getting involved in this race for these two candidates is that Doeden and his PAC are not just a little radioactive:
The message came from North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson. CNN recently reported that Robinson made racist and sexually explicit remarks more than a decade ago on a pornographic website’s message board. The report said Robinson, who has a recent history of anti-transgender rhetoric, said he enjoyed watching transgender pornography, referred to himself as a “black Nazi,” expressed support for reinstating slavery and praised Adolf Hitler.
Robinson’s video speech occurred during the Dakota First Action political action committee’s Victory Gala. Toby Doeden, an Aberdeen businessman and founder of Dakota First Action, said his fellow Republicans who are condemning Robinson are hurting the party.
“CNN has no substantive proof,” Doeden said. “Republicans will eat their own. If he were on the left, not a single Democrat would have called for him to step down.”
Current state Republican leaders “aren’t conservatives,” Doeden alleged.
“They’re liberals that register as Republicans because they can’t get elected as Democrats,” he said. “These people are hacks. They’re clowns. They’re disgusting. I started my PAC to eradicate hacks like that from serving in the Legislature – period.”
The man whose last PAC event was protested by the NAACP has apparently decided he is going to endorse candidates in the Brookings City & School races. The problem is they didn’t ask the candidates, as one of them confirmed to me that they “had nothing to do with” the text message.
Al Austreim, candidate for Brookings City Council reached out to me this morning to let me know that “neither Kelsey nor I had anything to do with this,” as they were shocked and in speaking with Al, had a bit of dismay why this Political Action Committee decided to show up and get involved. “We did not approve this” and we have “no control over it” was the message directly offered in response to the text blast reaching far across the community, where he expressed concern over this Aberdeen based PAC inserting itself into the race.
It’s not unheard of, as it would not be the first time Toby “Dumpster-fire” Doeden attempted to endorse candidates without their say so. If I could draw your attention to February 2024 :
At the time, Doeden had endorsed Fred Deutsch in the District 4 Senate Race. You probably can’t find this post, because immediately after it went up, it came down. Because I have it on good authority that Fred didn’t ask for it, nor want it. And that was before Doeden further descended into infamy. And here we are a little more than a year later with satan Doeden’s group back at it.
The problem is that in Brookings, a fairly middle-of-the-road South Dakota University community, it could threaten to derail these candidate’s home-spun campaigns. When you have PAC messaging from Doeden’s toxic organization which is the opposite of the South Dakota nice these candidates are trying to communicate with in their races, it’s not a good thing.
In speaking with Austreim, he seems authentic and earnest in his desire to run for the local city council, and expresses that he’s running a transparent campaign, and wants to engage with the community. Unfortunately, when it comes to outside forces inserting themselves into the contest, they “have no control over it.”
If anything, it sounds like they want to get Doeden and his PAC out of town, and out of the race.
Al and Kelsey seemed to have a fair amount of wind in their sails for the final 2 weeks of running their campaigns. Now, through the actions of Toby Doeden and his toxic PAC dropping their text message bomb, they might be fighting for their political lives against the help they didn’t ask for and didn’t want.
It would be in those candidate interest to distance themselves from Dumpster-Fire Pac stating they want nothing to do with that organization or Toby Doeden the most unlikable man in Aberdeen.
They need to let the press and voters know unlike Doeden they are not NAZI’s, Neo-NAZIs or Fascists, Are disgusted by stiff armed (NAZI) Salutes which Toby quickly defended Elon Musk for. They are not holocaust deniers, are not anti-vaxxers, anti-fluoride in public water, election deniers and into QAnon conspiracies.
They are normal and are running to govern.
YES!! – They need to proactively contact the Brookings Register to publicly disclaim this endorsement.
It’s unfortunate they’ll now have to use their own campaign resources to “run against” Doeden but they need to distance themselves from him, as much as they possibly can.
But…isn’t that what the GOP *is* these days? The anti-fluoride message is coming straight from the White House.
Perry was prime on that bill here too that thankfully went down in flames doused by fluoridated water. With a recent Doeden Dumpster-Fire (Hub City) Radio interview being post session Perry also bought and paid for by Doeden was pushing the anti-fluoride in public water system talking points.
They should contact KELO & KSFY to interview them about the “negative endorsement” from Doeden.
Credible candidates absolutely need to make it know they’re NOT a part of his cult.
It’s a data mining technique. He’s targeting conservative primary voters in hopes that they go sign up at his website and he collects their data. He is trying to build a data base of conservative gop primary voters.
I doubt he cares if the city council candidates win. They are just a vehicle to collect data.
It sounds like Hansen is running for governor against Doeden.
Dirty Doeden is the last endorsement I would want.
Doeden is going to be a big boat anchor for his affiliated candidates in 2026. It is going to be fun to watch!
The KKK always endorsed Reagan, and I don’t remember him having any trouble ignoring them and keeping them at a far distance. It’ll blow over.
He has a lot of stuff for sale in Aberdeen and quite a few empty commercial property’s. We are watching for Dacotah Bank to start sweating. His dealership is doing much less now that there are no government funds available. A lot of people won’t do business with him!
Hoping his ego bankrupts him before the next election cycle!
Toby was praising tariffs and trade wars following Trump’s lead months ago. Stellantis in North America that has enough major issues. Then you add international reckless trade wars cheered on by Toby, Then you have a toxic dealer principle/franchise owner in Aberdeen who also now owns the Ford Dealership in Redfield. The future does not look good Doeden World.
At least the service customers for Fiat and Chrysler products can start a book club in the waiting room since they spend so much time there. They probably have informal support group meetings there too.
Borrowing from the Lincoln Project’s founder Rick Wilson. Toby Doeden & PAC are as popular as Radioactive Herpes.