Updated 2024 Candidate List, new candidates popping up

I’ve updated my 2024 Candidate list, and it appears that new candidates are popping up faster and faster, with announcements or filing paperwork to run with the Secretary of State.

For those who have announced or filed that I haven’t previously mentioned in an article:

I know of more out there, but they aren’t making it public yet, so we’ll just have to hold on for a little bit.

If you know of others who have “officially” announced, or who have filed a statement of organization for their candidacy, drop me a note.

One thought on “Updated 2024 Candidate List, new candidates popping up”

  1. I just check the SD Sec of State Website and links do not work and it is the worst I have ever seen it. Lived in a few states and this website is really bad!

    What were her qualifications before the election denier conspiracy enthusiasts within the party helped her to win?

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