US Senate Candidate Bruce Whalen makes campaign speech explaining Jesus is coming for the rapture and tribulation is going to hit

US Senate Hopeful Bruce Whalen posted a bizarro campaign video to Social Media Site ‘Rumble’ this week from the front steps of the State Capitol where among several things, he says he sent Senator Daschle packing, and mixes a talk about what he would do in the US Senate with rambling about the end times:

“He (possibly referring to Senator Thune) should not be calling us conspiracy people… because we know the election was stolen …from President Trump.”


“This is really a spiritual battle. And… I intend to win this. How far down the road are we going to get? Revelation is coming. What’s been prophecized in Daniel and other books of the bible … it’s going to come. We’re going to come across hard times. What I’d like to see is some people saved out of this period now so they don’t get into them hard times. But it’s coming and so.. I’m not looking to bring a better life to people and say ‘hey look,’ guess what. It’s coming anyway because (unintelligible) But I want to say I want to see stand up and say God we are with you. We’re with you when you.. when Jesus comes for the rapture we expect to be going with you. Because tribulation is going to hit, it’s going to hit hard. So.. that’s how I feel about it. Let’s get in and let’s turn things much as around as we can. I’m not looking for a second term. I think I can get things what I want done in the first term….”

You can open up this can of revival tent crazy here.

Um.. yeah. So Bruce declares that we should not be referring to “them” as conspiracy people. And tribulation is going to hit.

“Conspiracy people” might be the nicest thing that people would say about his candidacy at this point.

6 thoughts on “US Senate Candidate Bruce Whalen makes campaign speech explaining Jesus is coming for the rapture and tribulation is going to hit”

  1. Thune is right of Attila but not nearly right and wacko enough for the Trump cult.

  2. Was this supposed to be an attack on Bruce?

    I’m not a Christian, but I believe the teachings of Christ are a good operating system for a just and safe society.

    Plus, in terms of numbers (especially the people making their way away from other s-holes of morality to SD) are likely mostly Christian.

    “This study concluded that 7 out of 10 Americans still consider themselves as Christians, making the national average of religous Americans to around 70 percent (according to the Pew Research Center).”

    I believe that DC needs it soul back.

    Bruce can help that mission along.

  3. ugh.
    The trouble with Christians referring to the prophecies in the Book of Daniel as being yet unfulfilled is that Jesus was the fulfillment of the OT law and prophecies. Either you believe Christ’s mission was perfect and complete or you don’t, and those of you looking to Daniel, who wrote about events which all came to pass around the time of Alexander the Great, for predictions of future events, reveal that you don’t know history and you don’t believe Christ fulfilled all the OT prophecies.
    You have been weighed and measured, and found wanting.

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