US Senator John Thune skeptical of effort to overturn electoral college vote. “..would go down like a shot dog”

To say that US Senator John Thune’s opinion of an effort to overturn the electoral college vote in Congress is skeptical might be putting it mildly:

Senator John Thune said he knows of no senators who have committed to join an effort by several House Republicans to challenge Biden’s election when Congress convenes Jan. 6 to count certificates of electoral votes, usually a ceremonial process.

“The thing they’ve got to remember is, it’s just not going anywhere. I mean, in the Senate it would go down like a shot dog,” Thune told reporters. “And I just don’t think it makes a lot of sense to put everybody through this when you know what the ultimate outcome is going to be.”

Read the entire story here.


22 thoughts on “US Senator John Thune skeptical of effort to overturn electoral college vote. “..would go down like a shot dog””

  1. Perhap,s Senator Thune, you could come out of the swamp and join the effort to stop the steal? At least, Senator Thune, allow the evidence to be seen in court. I suggest you consider reading the Georgia Senate findings on what happened in that state. Then visit what happened in PA, AZ, WI, and MI. After reading all of that, tell us you do not believe there was massive fraud and that ALL of those people who testified under oath are lying.
    Senator, it is time for you to retire.

    1. Or to be fired! He has turned into the very D.C. swamp creature that SD sent him to replace a number of years ago.

    2. I AGREE! I was born and raised in SFalls. My entire family still reside in Minnehaha or Lincoln Co. I am now in TX, but hope some day to return home to SD. I am following the GREAT STEAL and following SD politicians. There is great evidence that the establishment is taking back the USA, they’ve had enough of Trump working against them, working for US. I am sickened to see that THUNE is part of the establishment. He is NOT working for South Dakotans, who re-elected Trump. At this point, any so-called Republican (or honest Democrat, though their numbers may be few) who is NOT DEMANDING that this EVIDENCE be fairly and objectively investigated….they are PART OF THE SWAMP and they are IN IT TO LINE THEIR OWN POCKETS. They think we will forget, they are (like Obamacare architect Gruber said he was doing…) “relying on the stupidity of the American people”. JMHO

  2. 1) The Senate doesn’t have the right to change the result because they don’t like the result. The Senators certify the election of the Electoral College which has occurred. For there to be an issue would have required the Legislatures or courts in AZ, PA, GA, WI, MI in sufficient quantity to reject the Biden Electors or the Supreme Court to intervene. Neither happened so the Vice President will sign the Certification after it is voted on.

    2) The Senator is not impeding anything being reviewed by any court. The Courts do not answer to the Senate as per the division of powers outlined in the Constitution.

    If you believe in the Constitution, you should not be arguing for either #1 or #2.

    Further, let’s face the reality. WE all knew these issues were coming as soon as the pandemic was used to shift voting to less reliable/auditable means like mail-in voting.

    Unfortunately, the RNC and the Trump campaign didn’t do the ground work (develop infrastructure to monitor better and file lawsuits PRIOR to the election) for the evidence to be available to PROVE anything sufficient to change the result. We have instead the legal equivalent of unquantifiable hearsay (nice but not definitive or verifiable) regarding the election.

    So, instead of fighting yesterday’s war, the GOP needs to be looking forward regarding a change in law nationally and in the states, filing lawsuits, and doing investigations (in Congress and the states) to make the system better in two year, four years, and beyond.

    The Senator is doing us a favor to change on focus on the past and look to the future. If we don’t look ahead, we have no chance of getting what we desire.

    1. Troy, I am sure you are more of a Constitutional scholar than I am. My understanding is if one Representative and one Senator objects to a particular state’s electors in this case based upon fraud that has been demonstrated, it will go to a debate and decided whether to accept the slate or not. Senator Thune, and to my knowledge Senator Rounds have not shown much appetite to find out what really happened and to see the truth. I don’t know if you have watched the video from the Georgia counting in which four cases of ballots were pulled out from hiding after observers were sent home and one person ran a batch through the machine three times. This, BTW, has not been debunked. The Georgia Senate report is recommending decertifying the electors. Wisconsin may have something brewing as well. I believe Senator Thune and Rounds should be up for finding the truth where ever it may lead. This is not focusing on the past, it is focusing on the now.

    2. Sorry, but I missed the part where he is fixing the future – so we have to assume he agrees with the mainstream media that its all debunked. Republican poll watches booted to the cheers of election workers, but sorry bro nothing can be done because yesterday’s war and all.

      What you really mean is that we have to get rid of Trump, then we will not disenfranchise R voters on an industrial scale – we promise.

      The America-last GOP has no clue.

  3. And Pelosi’s House has to approve it also. So it is deader than dead but some just can’t accept that.

  4. There was no steal. Trump lost, both the EC and the popular vote. There was no evidence of fraud because if there was it would have been presented as evidence in any one of the 50+ court cases that Trump lost. Some of you best learn to deal with reality and the truth that OAN, Newsmax, and Fox have been selling you snake oil.

    1. Actually, my understanding is there has not been any examination of evidence in any court. CNN likes to keep saying what you said, but they are fake news.

  5. Senator Thune, after diligent preponderance of evidence banned from the main stream media, determines .. what exactly?

    This analogy is all over the place.

    If the Constitution is the shot dog, how does it NOT hold that the Constitution has been denigrated? A dog? Our Constitution?

    Or, would the protection of the Constitution, in Thune’s example, be the shooting of the dog of corruption in DC?

    Is that a dog, or a chupacabra Senator Thune?

    Or maybe a fox.

    Or a Coyote.

  6. Rarely pipe in but must give credit where credit is due… Thune is a class act in my book. To say he didn’t jump on the wrecked train proves it. Integrity, fairness, and well…just a class act.
    To change a constitution to get a theoretically outcome is very very dangerous… any party.

    1. Given the lack of intellectual content in your comment, it might be best if you went back to not posting.

  7. If you believe that the election was fair and votes were not stolen then why object to investigations into the irregularities in the swing states. If 70+ million voters believe their candidate was cheated! How do you think just forgetting about it and moving forward is going to fix it! WAKE UP AMERICA AND LOOK AROUND TO WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!!! THIS WILL NOT END WELL FOR THE FREEDOMS THAT WE HAVE TAKEN FOR GRANTED!! FIGHTING SOCIALISM IS AN EVERY DAY BATTLE AND IT DEPENDS UPON EVERYONE EDUCATING THE UNINFORMED TO WHAT IS TAKING PLACE!! GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES

  8. Oh come on. The Senator was just stating the obvious. We need to look to 2024 and nominate someone who’s actually fit for the office.

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