Vice President @Mike_Pence releases letter on what actions he will and will not take as he presides over the Senate today

From Twitter, Vice President Mike Pence has released a letter on what actions he will and will not take as he presides over the Senate today:

2 thoughts on “Vice President @Mike_Pence releases letter on what actions he will and will not take as he presides over the Senate today”

  1. “No political party may survive its betrayal of its constituents. Thus, the Republican Party of America officially died January 6, 2020. The party is over. Lincoln’s Party just died. It is no longer either old or grand.” — Pat Scopelliti

    The next 4 years are actually going to be kind of fun .. restoring the republic has never been more popular (I’m a 20 year veteran of the cause).

    1. Lincoln spun in his grave seeing the confederate traitors’ flag flown in the Capitol Rotunda.

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