Weible to Monae Johnson: Resign! Johnson to Weible: Go pound sand.

KELOland News is reporting that despite unsuccessful D8 Senate Candidate Rick Weible’s demands for the Secretary of State to resign, she does not intend to act on his request:

Rick Weible, who describes himself as an election integrity expert, called for Johnson, her deputy Thomas Deadrick and the board’s members to all resign.


“The claims, accusations and half-truths from South Dakota Canvassing do not warrant for any of us to resign,” Johnson said.


“My office works hard with the county auditors to ensure that South Dakota has safe, secure, accurate and transparent elections. Just because someone claims fraud does not mean that there is. The dis-and misinformation that is being broadcast is a shame.”

Read the entire story here.

And the happy state of politics continues to march on in South Dakota.

10 thoughts on “Weible to Monae Johnson: Resign! Johnson to Weible: Go pound sand.”

  1. Rick Knobe is doing his best to encourage “Change Agents” for positive change.

    Politically on the extreme right we have the “Chaos Agents” that are going to make a bull in a china shop look like nothin. These “Chaos Agents” will burn down everything.

  2. The absolute irony in this comment: “Just because someone claims fraud does not mean that there is.”

    Reap what ya sow.

  3. Mr. Weible, for lack of a better term, is a huckster, a flim flam-man; seeking to sow a crisis where there is none, and to sell you on a process that you don’t need. A flash-in-the-pan celebrity wannabe, that is hoping that our brief confusion will be ample time for us to 1) believe Weible is an expert (no bonafide credentials have ever been shown), 2) that his way is the right way, and 3) get us to make a financial donation to his way of thinking. If I can offer you, the reader, one piece of advice: call your County Auditor and tell them that they did a good job running the local primary election, and they aren’t the criminals that the South Dakota Canvass Group keeps asserting that they are, both to their faces, and to their respective County Commissions. Your County Auditor would definitely appreciate your kind words.

    1. Except for the Minnehaha County Auditor. She’s at the center of the problem, and she showed it with her SD Canvassing dog-and-pony show on primary day. The only call she should receive is a call to resign!

    2. Very eloquent, I hope all South Dakotans take your message to heart. Those who think Auditors are in on some plan or ‘secret cabal’ and continue to spew misinformation are causing irreparable destruction at the local government level.

    1. Voters should inform themselves, and not let unqualified people be elected to these positions. But hey, letting the nuts run the nuthouse at least gives some easy material for writing articles.

  4. To Secretary Johnson:

    I’m here to help.

    I know this is dubious and outside provocateurs are trying to make hay in the fog of this silent war.

    I don’t have any political ambition, but I do like making money (because so does my landlord and my grocer and my water company and ..).

    Hang tough. You have first line of sight. I don’t care about a shift of power.

    I care about solving the problem.


    John Dale, MS MIS

  5. The state not investigating a possible election fraud brought by an elected auditor makes everyone more suspicious.

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