Weible’s D8 Senate campaign definitely wobbly.. Crabtree CRUSHES him with over 10x the amount raised, giving him just shy of $100,000.

From the Secretary of State, while Rick Weible might try to talk the talk about campaigns, he certainly is showing he has no clue how to walk the walk:

Rick WeIble Pre Primary by Pat Powers on Scribd

Weible managed to raise a so-so $6k from an apparent island of misfit toys..

including $1000 from himself, and $1000 from D7 Candidate Jeff Struwe, who is doing worse than Weible, despite Weible running his campaign. He did get $1000 from maybe-Republican Justin McNeal, and $1000 out of team Assman in S Central SD, but they seem to be donating to any anti-establishment cause.   But even the Free-dumb Caucus only slipped Weible $100.

Compared to his opponent Crabtree? It’s just not pretty.

Crabtree Sdcfdisclosure by Pat Powers on Scribd

Starting with $30,808.40 in his campaign account, after Weible announced his run, Senate Majority Leader Crabtree raised another $68,550.00 – 10x the amount Weible managed to scrape together.  Casey might want to thank Weible for being so obnoxiously offensive to… well, darn near everyone… and making it so groups were chasing after Crabtree to send him money to put him near the $100,000 mark.

With 2 weeks left, even 10 miles down the road, I don’t think Casey is letting off the accelerator while Weible is still in the station, claiming his life is in danger because he knows secrets behind the gas pump (a substitution for voting machines in our moral tale).

7 thoughts on “Weible’s D8 Senate campaign definitely wobbly.. Crabtree CRUSHES him with over 10x the amount raised, giving him just shy of $100,000.”

  1. CRABTREE is done for… NOT !!!! LOL you would think if you want to beat/ compete with someone you would get in the same arena.. Mr. Wobble needs to go back to the baby pool.

  2. Weible needs to stay in South Dakota along which thanks to Kristi’s campaign promoting South Dakota as being a FreeDumb sanctuary for the nation. Other states thank you Governor Noem despite poor Cricket’s and Mr. Billy Goat’s fate.

  3. Great Article in showing who represents the people and is a public servant and showing who is owned by big corporations and huge donors. Keep them coming and we can get the power back to the people and not mega donors who do not represent the people.

    1. Actually it’s proof that Wiebke is funded by delusional conspiracy theorists with more cash than common sense.

    2. Take a look at campaign finance reports of the MNGOP when Rick Weible served on the State Executive Committee for years and you will find he gladly accepted all the money he could from “huge doners.” He’s a swamp creature who would gladly accept that money today but nobody offered. Sad!

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