While Legislators were impeaching, Taffy was on facebook. Where’s Taffy?

In honor of three more missed votes from District 33’s State Representative, it looks like it’s time for a new feature: Where’s Taffy?

As I’ve already documented, According to House Journals in 2022, out of about 377 recorded roll count votes in the State House of Representatives, there were 53 votes where Taffy was marked as “Excused.” Calculating it out, Taffy Howard missed 14% of the floor votes she was sent to Pierre to represent her District on.

Today, when the South Dakota House of Representatives met to determine whether the impeachment of Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg should move forward to the State Senate, once again, State Representative Taffy Howard was nowhere to be seen on a controversial vote.

So, where was she?   According to one observant reader, it appears she was on Facebook.

According to my correspondent’s facebook, the little green dot had popped up on her profile, showing Taffy was active on the Social Media platform at 11:36 today (below).

So, while her fellow legislators were in Pierre performing one of their more unpleasant duties and making what could be a controversial vote and she was being counted as “excused,” she had time to be active on Facebook instead of being in Pierre and doing the job she was elected to do.

Stay Tuned..

4 thoughts on “While Legislators were impeaching, Taffy was on facebook. Where’s Taffy?”

  1. In her defense, she’s completely ineffective at getting anything done when she’s in Pierre anyway. The idea of her in the US House is comical – she will be completely ineffective.

  2. Her vote didn’t matter. Again. Does he resign now? Has very few friends in the senate.

  3. On her FB campaign page, looks like she said she was in urgent care at the time of the vote.

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