Apparently Mike Myers (Yes, that Mike Myers) has died.

There’s an obituary up via Rude’s Funeral Home here in Brookings (there must be local family), for Mike Myers, the Independent candidate who ran in the last gubernatorial election as well as a District 15 State House race, also as an independent.

Myers left the state in the middle of the 2016 election, which gives rise to questions as to his health at the time he ran, especially given his passing shortly thereafter.

Not to mention his participation in the Lora Hubbel suicide re-enactments when he was running for Governor, at the time the above picture was taken.

All you can hope for is – as nutty as it sounds – that he was of sound mind at the time and a willing participant, and not someone who was being exploited.

12 thoughts on “Apparently Mike Myers (Yes, that Mike Myers) has died.”

  1. Mike was colorful, a fighter and had a heart of gold! In a scary alternative universe though the Hubble Craft would have been already sworn in as South Dakota Governor.

  2. All three of my children had Mike Myers for a professor at the law school. They had only great things to say about this man. Prayers to his family.

  3. I grew up and went to Jr. and Sr high with his son Mike. I didn’t always agree with some of the ideas later in his life, but I have always had respect for him and his family, a true and genuine man.

  4. Another reason Lt. Gov decisions matter….can you imagine him winning and then Lora Hubble becoming governor….

    Rest in Peace Sir

    1. They were a great team together and fought against corruption. Yes Lora would do just fine. She’s smarter than most and her motives are for the people.

    1. That does sound like a good idea. Hubble/Ravnsborg. Tara Volesky could be chief of staff.

      1. I would love to see a Nelson/ Hubble or Hubble /Nelson ticket. Jason is to nice.

  5. Is not Mr. Nelson, the loud ranting former marine one, running as Ms. Hubbel’s campaign partner?

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