Attorney General’s Office Releases Final Explanation For Initiated Measure Repealing South Dakota’s Medical Marijuana Program

Attorney General’s Office Releases Final Explanation For Initiated Measure Repealing South Dakota’s Medical Marijuana Program

PIERRE, S.D. – The final ballot explanation for a proposed initiated measure that would repeal South Dakota’s Medical Marijuana Program, as proposed by Travis Ismay of Newell, has been released by the South Dakota Attorney General’s Office.

Attorney General Marty Jackley does not take a position on any such proposal. As required by law, the Attorney General has provided a fair and neutral explanation on the proposed constitutional amendment to assist the voters.

This proposed initiated measure would repeal the state’s medical marijuana program that was approved by voters in the 2020 general election. The repeal would make all possession, use, cultivation, sale, manufacture, sale of marijuana, and marijuana products a crime. The ballot explanation can be found here.

If the required 17,509 valid signatures are gathered and approved by the South Dakota Secretary of State’s Office, the proposed constitutional amendment will be placed on the 2024 general ballot. A majority of the votes cast in the general election will be needed to pass the measure.

The Attorney General’s explanation was drafted after a review of all the comments received during the proposed amendment’s 10-day comment period. A total of 48 comments were received.

State law requires the Attorney General to draft a title and explanation for each initiated measure, initiated constitutional amendment, constitutional amendment proposed by the Legislature, or referred measure that may appear on an election ballot.

For more information regarding ballot measures, please visit the Secretary of State’s website.


13 thoughts on “Attorney General’s Office Releases Final Explanation For Initiated Measure Repealing South Dakota’s Medical Marijuana Program”

  1. What if SD Voters repealed Medical Marijuana and then voted to legalize recreational Marijuana? Wow!

    If that were to happen at least it would be more straight forward since Medical Marijuana was really recreational anyways. Medical Marijuana was a widely known joke in California.

    1. Considering that it’s a general election and not a mid-term this time around both Rec and Medicinal MJ are going to get the stamp of approval from the voters. Higher turnout is the bane of Prohibitionists.

      1. Marijuana isn’t the problem, it’s the people who use it. Anything which will prompt them to move to another state is a good thing.

    2. The queen would never let this happen to us, SHE has never seen anyone get smarter by using marijuana, and therefore it will remain illegal. Furthermore, we are already seeing profits down in all police departments, if you want to make things legal, it must be replaced with something else illegal.

        1. Joe Biden, is that you? Keep your unconstitutional power grab away from my states rights. We decide, not the fed DEA or ATF. More of a reason to ignore this concept.

  2. Repealing this is reasonable and needed. The out of state MJ industry flooded the state with out of state money to pass this in a cheap media market and the measure was flawed to begin with. The paid in state MJ industry shills many who were angling to be addiction profiteers themselves and are now spearheaded this in SD. Serious conflicts of interest! If it is FDA approved great and would be legal anyways with that particular component. Otherwise South Dakota is heading in the direction as Colorado, Portland state of Oregon and California with all their drug problems and crime.

    The majority DFL ran the table during session. The industry which donated to the DFL ran the table in Minnesota during their legislative session with nearly all the safeguards proposed by law enforcement, the trucking industry, Minnesota businesses and manufactures, addiction and other mental or public health professionals cast aside. Even safeguards and guardrails proposed by the minority MNGOP legislators agreed upon by DFL bill sponsors during final negotiations were not honored when the bill was finalized.

    The Minnesota MJ industry is now supported and subsidized with taxpayer dollars in Minnesota so the industry can maximize profits. A state supported poverty industry that runs on an addiction for profit business model. This alone will be a fiscal black hole for Minnesota state government.

    Plenty of anecdotal claims in the comments to AG Jackley but zero legitimate science to back it up. This industry has always avoided that.

    Sign the petition and vote YES in repealing Recreational Marijuana sold as Medical.

  3. Dopers can sleep on the sidewalks of Portland and the weather is more temperate there anyway.
    The best compromise would be to allow the cultivation of marijuana but not the sale or consumption; it would have to be shipped out of state to be sold and used. Our farmers could reap the rewards without the mess.

    1. Farmers would lose money on this going to the black market especially after the farmers make the investment into massive indoor grow operations that are secure. The black market always wins with this drug.

    1. Restrictive laws on the use of recreational drugs will dissuade users from living here, the way an abortion ban will drive away the dingbats who don’t know what causes pregnancy.

      The Governor has been trying to recruit skilled and professional workers but there is a shortage of housing; the solution is to flush the losers into the sewers of California.

      1. I would prefer the solution of having wanna be tyrants and morality police huffing and clutching their pearls to Mississippi or some other backwater that has dry counties.

        1. At least the tyrants have brains.
          Send all the stupid to California. They like stupid there, that’s why Harry and Meghan live in Montecito.

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