Federal Parole Commission Denies Parole Request For Leonard Peltier in Shooting Deaths of Two FBI Agents

Federal Parole Commission Denies Parole Request For Leonard Peltier in Shooting Deaths of Two FBI Agents

PIERRE, S.D. – South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley announces the federal Parole Commission has denied the parole request for Leonard Peltier, who was convicted of killing two FBI agents on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in 1975.

Peltier is serving two consecutive life sentences for the fatal shooting of FBI agents Jack Coler and Ron Williams. The murders occurred on June 26, 1975 when the two agents were on the reservation to arrest a man on a federal warrant. During his trial, an eyewitness testified that, shortly after the shooting, Peltier had bragged “about killing the agents.”

Attorney General Jackley sent a letter to the Parole Commission this spring objecting to Peltier’s parole request. Attorney General Jackley was the prosecuting attorney that examined a trial witness regarding Peltier’s confession in Marlon Brandon’s motorhome to American Indian Movement leader Anna Mae Aquash. Peltier’s confession ultimately led to her execution by John Graham who was found guilty of her murder. See State v. Graham, 815_N.W.2d_295 (SD 2012).

“Leonard Peltier murdered two FBI agents in cold blood, and he has never shown any remorse for these murders,” said Attorney General Jackley.  “The two FBI agents, who died in the line of duty, and their loved ones deserve justice, and parole for Peltier is not justice.”

More than 30 members of Congress have written President Biden asking clemency for Peltier. Attorney General Jackley said he will write to the President as well, requesting that clemency be denied.


3 thoughts on “Federal Parole Commission Denies Parole Request For Leonard Peltier in Shooting Deaths of Two FBI Agents”

  1. Supporters of Mr. Peltier confuse him with the just cause of the tribes. He’s guilty of the murders of the two agents. Freeing him would reward evil and punish the innocent.

    1. well said Cliff. Peltier is a stone cold killer. The FBI agents had defensive wounds – shot through the hands they were holding in front of their faces as they begged for their lives. Their wives are still widows and their children still fatherless.

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