Former Daugaard Cabinet Secretary running as Dem in 14 for State House.

This past week, former Secretary of Tribal Relations,  JR LaPlante, who left that job to take a position as the Assistant US Attorney in 2014, and who is now Director of Tribal Relations for Avera Rural Health Institute has the honor of apparently being the first placeholder replacement for Democrats in 2016.

The former Cabinet level secretary under Governor Daugaard is replacing Tom Pier on the Democrat ballot in District 14, where Larry Zikmund and Tom Holmes currently serve in the State Legislature.

3 thoughts on “Former Daugaard Cabinet Secretary running as Dem in 14 for State House.”

  1. And now that the primary is over……let the Democrat strategy of placeholders begin!


  2. Denny has appointed and supported a lot of Democrats. It will be interesting how far he lets his hair down as a lame duck.

    Any word if he will openly support Democrats against Jensen, Russell, or Tapio?

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