Governor Noem to Appeal District Court Decision in Planned Parenthood v. Noem

Governor Noem to Appeal District Court Decision in Planned Parenthood v. Noem

PIERRE, S.D. – Today, following the District Court ruling in Planned Parenthood v. Noem, Governor Kristi Noem announced that the State of South Dakota will appeal the ruling to the United States 8th Circuit Court of Appeals.

“All life is precious. Mothers should have the opportunity to hear all relevant information before they are faced with the ‘choice’ of whether to end their unborn child’s life,” saidGovernor Kristi Noem. “I look forward to the day when all life – born and unborn – is protected by law. Given that the US Supreme Court will soon decide on the constitutionality of prohibiting abortion before ‘viability,’ we are asking the 8th Circuit to recognize that the people’s legislators should have the ability to pass pro-life laws.”

The District Court had previously enjoined the provision in South Dakota state law requiring that a pregnant woman consult with a pregnancy help center, ensuring that she had all facts available, before deciding whether to abort her unborn child.

Today’s decision by the District Court refused to dissolve the injunction, so the law passed by the people’s representatives is suspended until a final court decision is rendered. In doing so, the Court rejected the will of the people when it comes to protecting unborn life.

The State of South Dakota will appeal to ensure that women considering an abortion have all of the facts regarding their unborn child and the potential risks of an abortion procedure.


25 thoughts on “Governor Noem to Appeal District Court Decision in Planned Parenthood v. Noem”

  1. The plan all along has been to get this case to the 8th Circuit. We knew Schrier would rule exactly the way she ruled. All of the seasoned pro-life litigators tell us we have an excellent chance of prevailing at the 8th.

      1. Ah, that oh-so-precious “right” to terminate the life of an unborn child. Are people like you scared that a mother would be given information prior to terminating the unborn child’s life?

    1. Sorry, I am having problems posting—

      Do you think the government should “forced pregnancy power” to force praents to carry to birth a fetus with half a skull that will die shortly after birth?

    2. Do you think the government should have the “forced pregnancy power” to force a 14 year old , gang raped, traumatized, with parents and Doctors saying she is mentally unable to cope with pregnancy, and the kid could be addicted and infected , to carry to term?

        1. What would you call it if a kid id born with VD?

          You cannot comprehend OR you lie— I did NOT say the pregnancy was “infected”.

          Since Deutsch seems to have disappeared, maybe you can answer my questions..

    3. “All of the seasoned pro-life litigators tell us we have an excellent chance of prevailing at the 8th.”– How many anti-choice / Government pregnancy cases have they won?

      How much $ AGAIN will this fanaticism cost tax payers?

      One way to end most unwanted pregnancies would be a law requiring every male at age 14 to undergo a reversible vasectomy with the option to reverse IF the government says he is responsible enough to be a father—- Would YOU agree with that law?

      Or maybe go to the actual beginning of “life” and deem masturbation infanticide….. I assume you know what spermicide does?

        1. Fred is a quack who is obsessed with social issues, in particular those involving genitalia. The state will be better off when he steps away.

          1. Agreed. South Dakota voted twice on the abortion issue. Political officials need to honor the outcome of those state-wide votes.

            1. Ah, that oh-so-precious “right” to terminate the life of an unborn child. Are people like you scared that a mother would be given information prior to terminating the unborn child’s life?

      1. On which side of the issue? Hacks on both sides of the issue having been reaping huge sums of money to fight for or against abortion. Politicians are even worse than lawyers on the topic.

    4. The assertion that it reflects “the will of the people” because the legislature is elected is presumptive. IM 22 and marijuana Ann probably Medicaid expansion confirm that they don’t always reflect the will of the people.

  2. “Mothers should have the opportunity to hear all relevant information before they are faced with the ‘choice’ of whether to end their unborn child’s life,” – transllation– Women are too stupid to make their own decisions = THAT woman is an insulting, dangerous, idiot!!

    1. Since preventing unwanted pregnancy is not difficult, it can be argued that anyone who gets pregnant by accident has already demonstrated an inability to make good decisions for herself.
      In fact, unplanned pregnancy is arguably a symptom of some serious problems, not a problem in itself.

      I asked one girl how it happened to her; she answered “I got out of jail that day and I was drunk and horny.”

      Does that sound like someone with any kind of decision-making capability to you? Or someone in need of professional counseling?

    2. So you are a liberal determined to make everything offensive; what a pathetic life you must lead seeing everything through an “offensive” prism.

  3. It will never matter what we do as a state when the liberal-progressive Supreme Court will never seriously take up the matter to over turn Roe vs Wade.

    Lets be serious for a minute, why was this decision really made by the Court in 1973?

    There was no Federal Law banning abortions, and the 9th Amendment gives you the right to protect all our free and natural rights to make your own choices.

    This was a way for the CONGRESS in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s to circumvent the law making business of the States to push their immoral beliefs onto the States. Keep in mind, if its not listed as a responsibility of the Federal Govt as prescribed by the State Legislature’s under Article 1, they simply do not have the power to regulate any form of activity.

    Not to mention, the U.S Constitution guarantees the States acting as the Sovereign People the right to self regulate themselves as per the wishes of the very citizens who reside in the Republic of 50 States, the Congress simply had no power nor means to pass such law.

    So what they did was force the issue into the Supreme Court itself, and they used a idiotic case to make it happen. “WE” all know that a woman can make her own free choice in life, but for some reason, as the FEDS always do, wanted to force one small issue upon all the states.

    Lets keep in mind, that SOUTH DAKOTA by means of its constitution agreed to protect Life, Liberty, and Prosperity, and by Codified Law – the PEOPLE passed a law that protects ALL UNBORN BABIES regardless of the stage of a woman is pregnant.

    The only way to combat Roe vs Wade is if 30 of the States ganged up and forced the issue at hand, by nullifying the Supreme Court Decision by outwardly passing laws to restrict abortion, let alone, taking the federal government to court on the very issue itself.

    We are finally again getting the Supreme Court back in line, as a conservative, constitutional court, finally, this would be a great time for the States to form a coalition to stand tall, and united, and threaten the federal government on grounds of honoring and upholding the Constitution itself.

    The Federal Govt loses its power when a majority of State Legislatures stand up, united, and force the Federal Govt to honor their oath, and the constitution period.

    We need to repeal Amendments 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 to take back our rightful place, and yes, that means the U.S SENATORS shall be appointed by the Legislatures, the Vice President will be the runner up in all Presidential Elections, that the States can reinforce Article 4, and hand out American Citizenship thru the States, the States can hold the Feds to a Budget, getting rid of the god awful Federal Income Tax, let alone the Lawyers lose much of their power in Congress today.

    It is time that WE THE PEOPLE rise up and fight the Federal Govt where it has become to tyrannical. Stop taking Federal Grants, Monetary Funds, stop begging for Federal Tax Subsidies, Credits, and Benefits, Learn to live freely, and within your legal means of doing so. Why would we want to take any federal money? Why would we want to pay the FEDS one dime, when all they do is harm us, divide us, and destroy us?

    Make America Great Again – by standing up against the Tyrannical Federal Govt.

    Until then, NO ONE in Congress, nor the White House, nor the Senate deserve more than 1 term, and if we got rid of the 17 Amendment, The legislatures would recall their Senators every two years when they fail to protect the state itself.

    Time is Changing, Stand Up for the U.S Constitution. Be A True American.

    1. Now we see why you’ve been banned so many times from Facebook…… Regardless. you gloss over the definition of life. One would have to overturn both Roe and Casey to get to this point you reference. Furthermore, you would try to do it without the majority of Americans and force your beliefs on the country? I don’t see the federal government embracing the religious interpretation of life at conception. Would you then have to fund some sort of federal homicide unit to investigate each failed pregnancy, at what point could you blame the carrier of the zygote for murder? As it stands, the scientific consensus of life is around 20 weeks when viability outside the womb is present. I don’t see how this compromise can’t be worked with, why do all the anti-choice people need their way completely and force every fertilization to birth? There will be unwanted pregnancies, especially when you continue to fight sex education and contraception access. We could find a pragmatic approach, but you want some type of religious state for the USA instead.

      I offer my thoughts and prayers to you.

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