Speaking of twitter and congressional races. The invisible Paula Hawks campaign still invisible.

Speaking of twitter, and the previous post mentioning the contenders in the congressional race, what was I saying about Paula Hawks and twitter a while back?

I’m wondering, because so far this month the Hawks for House twitter account has been holding steady at 2 tweets, with one on the 7th, and one on the 14th.


Seriously, the thing with her twitter account seems to be plaguing her entire campaign.  It was amateur hour at her campaign rollout, which was the most botched thing I’ve seen in over 25 years in politics. As a supposed political insider for Democrats, her first quarter fundraising only beat the gal who moved here, and only managed about 2/3 of what a junior staffer for Tim Johnson managed to draw in a comparable time period.

In a limited time period to try to gain attention, she’s managed to be almost invisible.

Read it here.

Yeah… the invisible campaign has hit twitter three times this month, and holding.  And still remains invisible, and apparently inactive, except when she’s out campaigning on state level issues for Democrats.

I’m kind of questioning whether she’s given up on running a serious race at this point.