47? That’s more than they had for candidates last year, isn’t it?

From the Huron Daily Plainsman, the Executive Director of the Democrat Party made some might bold claims recently.  First, that they’ll have a candidate to run against Thune. Second, they had 47 people interested in being ED of the State Democrat party:

SuzanneJonesPranger“Candidate recruitment really is a process,” Jones Pranger, 26, said. “It takes about seven times to ask a man to be a candidate and women, usually you have to ask more than that, about 12 times they have to be asked before they typically agree.”

On the state level, she disclosed that Democrats will have a candidate to oppose Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., next year.

“There will be a candidate; we just haven’t announced yet,” she said.


After graduation, she clerked for judges in Minnehaha and Lincoln counties before being chosen executive director of the state party from among 47 applicants.

Read it here.

47 people wanted to be the captain of the Titanic? Are there that many Democrats out of work under Obama’s failed jobs policies?  That might be more than the number of legitimate, non-placeholder legislative candidates they had last year.

As for the Thune claim, we’ve heard it before, and we continue to see it trotted out every time they have an interview.Yet amazingly, ther has yet to be a name to go with their ‘girlfriend from Canada.” Believe it when you see them produce a corpse.

They’ve gone past the time when they’ve got someone who can be a legitimate challenger, and have fast-forwarded into warm body willing to take one for the team just to save face.

4 thoughts on “47? That’s more than they had for candidates last year, isn’t it?”

  1. Really, the Democrats should be taking advantage of the big hole the Republicans have left in the line over the Republican scandal-ridden and corrupt government. Thune is a worthless federal legislator, but at least you know he’s bought and paid for the “honest” way – through big donor money, Superpacs, lobbyists and corporations.

    The Republican corruption scandals in South Dakota have created a tremendous opportunity if the Democrats just have the energy and enthusiasm (and cahones) to go after them. But alas, they are low energy, too.

    Republicans taint – then ignore, dismiss and deny. Democrats sit on their butts and wish. Makes a person wonder how they’ll ever crawl out of the basement, assuming they want to.

  2. Scandal-ridden like Hillary Clinton and her emails and Benghazi, like Obama and his blatant disregard for the Constitution and kowtowing to the enviro-nuts, like Lois Lerner and her intentional subversion of political participation by groups who don’t care for the dictator-in-chief? Get a life, Heisenberg, and try using some intellectual honesty.

    I’d take a dozen Thunes over one Timmy-rubber-stamp-Johnson.


      I can fit all three of those BENGHAZIs on a single bumper sticker – just the right size of your capability of understanding topics great or small.

      This thread is about the Democrats and Mr. Powers making fun of them again. My response to Mr. Powers’ funning about is to point out that if the Democrats had any moxy they would use this massive opening the corrupt Republican government has left for them.

      Corruption rampant through this Republican government would be so easy to take an advantage on, but I don’t think the Democrats have the energy or the cahones to do what they need to do.

      Go watch some more FOX. They are really doing your knowledge level a lot of good.

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