Dumpster-fire Doeden is also a disclaimer doofus. Doeden PAC sending out thousands of potentially illegal text messages.

Did you get one  of the Toby Doeden Dark Money PAC text messages blasting across the state? If not, I’ve got a few laying around: For our examples, he’s sending out nonsense about Lee Qualm and Carl Perry. Nothing about Lee Qualm trying to fleece his siblings out of their inheritance, or Carl Perry trying […]

Ranked Choice South Dakota flyer being sent out with no disclaimer? And why do they use that name with the “tan” party?

This flyer hit the mailbox of a correspondent today in an unmarked envelope, ostensibly from “Ranked Choice South Dakota,” explaining how the dumb idea of a Jungle Primary which South Dakota rejected once already is supposed to work: The biggest problem here is that last I knew, this is a ballot measure that’s actively circulating […]

Coalition of Confederates attacking SDGOP again, demanding special meeting

Remember the Coalition of Confederates who want to push the Republican Party’s cart down the road of their agenda, and out Republican officeholders, versus electing Republicans to office? They’re back at it, and this time – through an anonymous e-mail they’ve sent out – they’re demanding that the South Dakota Republican Party hold a summer […]