51 thoughts on “AG Candidate John Fitzgerald hits delegates with another mailing regarding his candidacy”

  1. He says he fights crime but I read in a previous post he has around a 48% conduction rate. I am no lawyer but that doesn’t sound good.

    How affective are you if over half of all criminals you go after walk free???

    1. Where do you get your facts? They are incorrect. But you know that. Why have the other two running refused to you release their trials? Russell said last night in Madison that he and Fitz are the only two running that have had trials as a prosecutor. That means one has never had a jury trial as a prosecutor.

  2. FORTY EIGHT?? IF that’s true — that’s very poor. In a good, conservative state, where citizens generally support law enforcement and where many potential jurors walk into the courthouse inclined to believe suspects are guilty of something, a skilled prosecutor should win at least 75-80 percent. Superb public servants, who possess astute legal judgment, wouldn’t waste copious state resources prosecuting so many borderline cases, overcharging defendants, and/or seeking convictions where concrete evidence may be lacking.

  3. Where does this 48% number come from? What constitutes a win? Does an acquittal for kidnapping but a conviction for murder count as a win or a loss? Jason has a 0% record for prosecutin but keeps a clean desk. A tough call.

    1. The 48% is a fact from his previous race for states attorney by his apponent I hear. The bad part is Fitzgerald is failing at convictions. He has no management or leadership experience. He expects to just prosecute as AG. He is so unprepared for the AG office.

      I guess that is why he is in last place with little supper.

      1. I am glad this will be over in 3 weeks. I wish we’d keep it positive. I say all three AG candidates are good men. All three can and will serve America’s & South Dakota’s citizens with valor. I’m not eager to denigrate the intelligence, integrity, or career accomplishments of a state legislator, a 33-year prosecutor, or a decorated battalion commander. Three Good Americans, all w/ solid accomplishments. The bad guys are the law-breaking criminals, not our AG candidates.

    1. Boy, does the AG just sit in court all day every day? Seems that’s what Fitzgerald’s disciples seem to think. Has Fitzgerald ever run an office of more than a few people? Is it “his turn”? Get over this Fitz worship; he is not a god.

    2. Ok Litz…you came with a nifty nickname for Ravnsborg…so now we have to deal with the other 2…”Just Give Me The Job John” and “Let’s Run For 3 Things Lance”…

      Oh…but that may offend you since your name seems to be Lance + Fitz = Litz

  4. Boy, does the AG just sit in court all day every day? Seems that’s what Fitzgerald’s disciples seem to think. Has Fitzgerald ever run an office of more than a few people? Is it “his turn”? Get over this Fitz worship; he is not a god.

  5. Isn’t this the point where someone usually pipes up with “What’s behind door #4???” Hint, it’s another mailing and a homemade sign…

  6. And as long as I’m on it…this whole thing of “no experience”…last time I checked there are 50 Attorney General’s in the United States…none of them are running to be our next Attorney General…to the logical mind, the only people with AG experience are AG’s…if you are running for the job for the first time the odds are you have no experience. But, if a candidate has experience in the various skills that make up the job as a whole, that makes them a good candidate. If we were to all apply this “experience” argument to the other races we are all considering we couldn’t support either Marty or Kristi or Dusty or Neal or Shantel…NONE of them have held the job they are running for so how do we know they will be able to do it if elected? My Lord people…if you could all just hear yourselves…

  7. Is it unethical to state to have done legal work as a prosecutor when you have not? Can anyone answer this? Is this something the state bar can answer?

    1. It is rather lame that you keep trying to beat that particular dead horse after it has been answered more often than “Just Give Me The Job John” has had jury trials…

      1. John feels so entitled to the job because he is a states attorney. Sorry John that does not make you a good AG. Yes Mary, I know you feel that is the only qualification because that is all John has. Fitz has no leadership or management capabilities to speak of that is required to be AG.

  8. Larry Long, Roger Tellinghusien, Mark Barnett, Kermit Sande, that’s who just comes to mind, former prosecutors that became AG’s. Janklow was a successful trial attorney before he was elected AG. I’ll do research on the rest.

    1. Kermit Sande never tried a major felony in his entire career, and we know how that worked out for him. We don’t need to make that mistake again. It is incomprehensible that we would nominate someone as AG who has never tried a major felony case. Just unbelievable.

  9. I have stayed silent for a long time, but had enough. I tried to be objective and fair to all, but the one trick pony show is tiresome to me.

    I believe John Fitzgerald is the least qualified to be AG, if this was a race for States Attorney that would be different. No one in the public cares how many trials someone has done, they care about what are you going to do to make them safer and clean up Pierre and Ravnsborg and Russell are the only ones talking about ideas how to go about that. Hold it –I will correct myself Randy Seiler is doing that also, and I think would run circles around Fitzgerald as he only talks about trials and his legacy.

    If he has so much experience why doesn’t he have some ideas? Why isn’t ONE Sheriff endorsing him, heck his own county sheriff has not endorsed him, that speaks volumes to me.

    So you claim Experience Matters—then you should get some…here is how I see it—


    You are right Team Fitzgerald…Experience Matters, but John has very little of it if any in MANY of the areas of being Attorney General. You talk 90% of the time on what the AG might do 5% of the time. Marty is not in trials, he is fighting for resources, making decisions, managing the staff, being an executive.

    Fitzgerald is a good prosecutor ( I give him an A in that category, but F’s in many others) and so I bet he will be miserable in this job if he would get it somehow as he would not try any cases ad that seems to be what he likes to do. He would be better off traveling and trying cases around the state as a special prosecutor than as AG.

    1. I think you hit the nail on the head. It spells out perfectly why Fitzgerald is not fit to be AG.

  10. That Mr. Russell is one handsome devil, and Mr. Ravnsborg flew jets. A tough slate indeed.

      1. Hey stace, why do you keep up with these lies? Jealous of his military career because it is more accomplished than yours?

      2. What? Jason Ravensborg’s old US Senate campaign photos include him in a flight suit with aviator glasses standing in front of an A-10 Warthog. Otherwise why would he have those high profile photos for that campaign? I served in the military also but am not Stace. Jason would have a kick butt publicity campaign flying an A-10 with a vote for Ravensborg for AG banner prior to the convention and above parades prior to the General election. Seiler is a Vietnam vet but those A-10s are pretty cool and US and allied grounded forces sure appreciated having them.

        1. Yes and he pulled all of those ads after he got called out for making it look like he was a pilot when in reality he was a truck driver. He is not and never has been a pilot.

          1. Ok but if Jason was not a pilot then why would he put them on his campaign for US Senate? Are you sure he was not a pilot? Could he have served double duty being in a Transportation unit which is vital to operations and flown also as a pilot or was the serving as a Transportation officer just a cover and he was involved in classified top secret operations as an A-10 Pilot? I would hope Jason would clarify.

        2. That’s not a flight suit. They guy behind him is in a flight suit. Flight suits aren’t camouflage last time I checked because of the whole you re in the air thing.

          1. Yeah I know what a flight suit looks like and there used to be or it’s somewhere on the net of him in a flight suit in front of that A-10. The photo I just viewed was him in his BDUs “camo”, aviator glasses being worn in front of the A-10 with his old US Senate campaign logo which makes it look like he was a pilot. Jason should clarify why he would put these photos on when he was a Transportation unit officer? No shame in being part of logistical operations since a military can’t function without it and is targeted too by the enemy. Jason? Would you clarify please?

  11. Did John Fitzgerald rescind the endorsement of himself???? 🙂

    It is no longer on the list.

  12. Will Marty tell us which of the 3 AG candidates is best suited for his job? That will mean a lot. Waiting.

    1. I have heard he has said he is staying out of the race, which does seem smart.

  13. I think we are going to see a “None of the Above” candidate surface at the State Convention. Fitzgerald is the only candidate that can possibly compete against Randy Sieler and that may be a long shot. After Tuesday we may start to see the Governor Elect and upper Republican leadership start to take a hard strategic look at the current state of the AG race.

    1. Seiler and dems will tear Russel and Ravnsborg apart. One has ethical issues and one is a part time prosecutor. Please spare us the “but he’s led people as a battalion commander” line. If that is qualifies you to be AG we should look else where because I have a feeling we can find another attorney that has led a group of people and can actually give a speech in front of people Without tripping all over him or herself. Fitz has the experience but Seiler will out politician him in the general.

  14. Fitzgerald definitely has flaws, and you don’t need hundreds of jury trials to be qualified to be AG…

    But if you literally have ZERO criminal jury trials? Not even a misdemeanor jury trial? Not one?

    The primary function of the AG is to prosecute cases, and a requirement of being a prosecutor is the ability to conduct a jury trial. If you have no experience in doing such a fundamental part of the job, how can you be the boss?

    1. Your primary job as AG is not prosecuting, it’s management and leadership. Both of which Fitzgerald has no qualifications in.

      Additionally, if it was only prosecution do we want someone like Fitzgerald with a failing grade of only 48% convictions?

  15. Anyone notice that in all of these pictures John Fitzgerald looks gruff, angry or generally pissed off, does he ever smile?

    I went back and looked at his other flyers and he doesn’t smile in any of them.

    1. He looks serious because he’s running for a serious job. The Attorney General is a serious job, Fitz makes up nothing about his experience, he doesn’t have to. When Ravnsborg was begging people for endorsements four years ago, Fitz was in the courtroom fighting for victims of crime. Ravnsborg still has not told people that he has never had a trial at his volunteer job, where he shows up once a month, if that.

      1. Thanks Mary….we can tell which posts are yours and we know you lie about Jason daily, but give it a rest it is not helping John, it has worn beyond thin with so many people. I originally looked at John’s candidacy as he has a good record as a prosecutor, but your constant calling, facebooking and running down your opponents is not the kind of person I want to support.

        I will pray for you though.

      2. O marry. You are so jealous of everyone else running that you sound very unprofessional and are hurting your husband campaign. Tell me Mary, why are you lying so much about your husbands apponents?

        Please marry, stop commenting as you sound desperate and just reaching for anything.

  16. I think a 4th person in the race would only help Lance Russell –it would further split the rest of the vote and help him reach the majority.

    Not a good idea.

  17. Any competent 4th person would hurt Jason R. Russell is unelectable. Seiler will absolutely pick his record apart. All 3 Republicans are beatable and the dems are licking their chops.

      1. The 4th person, if credible, remember we had Charlie McGuigan and he did not do anything….I think hurts both Jason and John and helps Russell, his supporters are the most loyal.

        This 4th person has to be known outside of just legal circles…a lot of the delegates don’t know 1 of these 3 and they have been campaigning for a while…plus most of the delegates were selected by the campaigns to run.

        I just don’t see a 4th option being viable at all.

        1. I don’t think Russell is horrible….he has a number of issues, but I would like him to explain what is going on with them.

  18. Ok let us talk about policy and speeches that don’t make sense with John as this thread is about him and his card….

    Can a Fitzgerald supporter explain to me what he meant when asked what are the policy differences between you and your opponents?….then he has been promoting it.

    I don’t remember who went first in the questioning but I remember Russell talking mostly about government transparency and how he was talking about that the most of the 3 candidates, Jason talked about reforming SB 70 and his ways for doing that, vs repealing it like John wants to do.

    John answered “Judicial Activism”? I still don’t understand that answer. Neither Jason nor Lance have been judges. I know John ran for a judgeship and so did Lance and they both lost…but beyond that I don’t see how Jason or Lance ever talked about that or how that answers the question at all. Can someone explain that to me?

  19. Let me break it down for you. You got tomatoes and you got radishes. Sadly we have a drug problem.

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