At rally Toby Doeden proclaims he will promote traditional family values such as “marrying young and having children.”

When I was writing about kooky Toby Doeden statements yesterday, it was more for humor’s sake, but apparently at a rally he held yesterday, it sounds as if he underlined some of his batsh*t crazy, promoted unfounded conspiracies, and demanded a return to the days when people were “marrying young and having children.”

From the Aberdeen Insider:

“Whether they’re Republicans or Democrats, they’re all part of the same oligarchy system,” Doeden said, stressing his belief that political outsiders like himself and Former President Donald Trump are the way forward.

He made claims that Johnson has been recruiting left-leaning individuals who plan to switch parties and run for the South Dakota Legislature.


Doeden also said he will stand to promote traditional family values, such as marrying young and having children, and what he calls other conservative, Christian values.

Read the entire story here (subscription required).

“oligarchy system?” Why do I have the feeling we’re paying far too much attention at this point?

First off, for starters, does he have any examples that Dusty Johnson is recruiting “left-leaning” individuals to run for the legislature?  Or who those people are? Because it sounds like he’s just talking out of his tail.  Secondly, the whole “marrying young and having children” line sounds as if he wants to impose some sort of religious theocracy on the country.

At this point, I’m happy to encourage my 16 year old to get good grades, pick up his room and get the dogs out. I don’t need to push him to get married and reproduce at this point.

The more we hear, the less seriously we should be considering the Doeden candidacy. But, I will admit – it provides a lot of comedy.

17 thoughts on “At rally Toby Doeden proclaims he will promote traditional family values such as “marrying young and having children.””

  1. I can’t help but notice you post something negative about Toby every time he posts or holds an event. So far everything I’ve seen from him actually does have a common sense, conservative approach. From the outside of this race looking in it appears as though you are a mouthpiece for negativity about Doeden

      1. Every time you post about Doeden’s campaign this should be the new logo. We love it!

        I hope Toby has more events with a free meal. Heck! Add some free door prizes if people come Toby! There are a number of us that would like to drive up to Aberdeen, grab a few tables in back and enjoy a comedy show. As long as the cash bar has plenty of pretzels and peanuts to snack on during the show.

        Given that this guy is such a big wheel he should just self fund his entire campaign.

  2. Throw a 100% polyester plaid sport coat on Toby Doeden and place him at some shady stereotypical used car lot where he would fit right in. Say and claim anything pulling stuff out of his A** to make a sale. Same with what got into his big thick head with running for office. No sources. Does not bother to authenticate just shoots from the hip making stuff up.

    Buyer Beware!

    A warning to Mark Lapka and others who are fighting the good non-partisan fight to oppose the Summit Carbon Pipeline. Keep a healthy distance from this candidate. He could be a serious liability to the efforts to stop this boondogle! There is too much at stake!

  3. And this is the kind of bs the media picks up on and perpetuates the whole GOP in this fashion.

  4. On the one hand you have this nut talking conspiracies and he’s mocked. On the other hand you have Trump and Noem talking conspiracies and it’s crickets. Make it make sense.

  5. Another election denier not surprisingly. His most rabid supporters are calling for hand counted ballots.

  6. Toby comes across as some who only has friends who think just like he does and wears it as a badge of honor. When I hear people say “I don’t have friends who are…(dem. rep. etc.)” I always think “Man, you need to expand your friend group.” I can’t explain why else he would go up against a pragmatic, popular, congressman such as Johnson unless he lives in a bubble with other like minded people.

    I also notice no policy, just “Dusty is a bad man!” Rhetoric. How exactly is Toby going to enact policy for people to “marry young and have children”? Which I would argue is MAYBE a Christian value but goes up against the self liberty of conservative thought. What does being young and married have to do with anything? My brother found the most amazing women in his 30s and have an amazing family. Would that be considered young??

  7. To marry young and have children is a Christian Value? Since when?? What kind of Christian advocates this value?? I’m 76 years old and have never heard about this value in my lifetime.

    1. Exactly my thoughts too. Growing up in 80-90s in Northeast SD it was a social pressure to get married relatively early, but I wouldn’t have called it a Christian or conservative value. I grew up Christian and never was taught that in church.

  8. I suspect by “marrying young and having children” he means young people should grow up and assume adult roles in society, instead of living in their parents’ basements, playing video games, and waiting for Congress to pay off their student loans.

    1. Then why didn’t he say that instead? That makes more sense than telling people to be conservative they should want to be married at a young age and having kids. Which doesn’t make you a conservative.

      1. because some people still equate such milestones as getting married and having children with growing up, and not achieving them as a sign of a pronged adolescence.
        and it actually isnt that unusual: I had a timeshare and the rules were I couldn’t sublet it to any single people under the age of 25, but I could sublet it to 18 year old married couples. I’ve observed this in other situations as well: financial institutions and insurance companies have figured out that marital status is indicative of maturity and responsibility.
        Yes he could have stated it differently but I think I understand what he meant.

        1. I’ve seen plenty of couples who married young bc of expectations placed on them that end up in divorce or worse yet loveless marriages. There is plenty of research that shows the male brain isn’t even fully developed until they are around 26 years old. Most people have no clue who they are in their early to mid 20s. It works for some people to marry young, but definitely not everyone.

          I’ve see enough of Toby’s posts to know that he doesn’t like divorce, then why put pressure on people to marry before they are ready?

          Don’t get me wrong, 20 year olds shouldn’t be sitting on mom and dad’s couch, but he clearly said marrying young and having babies is a conservative value…head scratcher.

  9. If I were part of the opposition party or a Democrat Doeden would be a wish come true if he were somehow elected! He would be another high drama self centered clown in Washington. Easy to run against and fundraise. Great way to build an opposition party or Dem Party in SD too. Toby and his core supporters are way out there on the fringe with crazy stuff. If you are into the world of conspiracies like Taylor Switft is a Demon or Vaccines and health care workers are Demonic you will love this guy. Automatic disqualifier for public office.

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