Attorney General-elect Marty Jackley announces leadership team

Attorney General-elect Marty Jackley announces leadership team

PIERRE, S.D. – Attorney General-elect Marty Jackley has announced the eight-member leadership team that will join him when he takes office next month.

“This is a team of professionals that I have worked with in the past, and I believe can handle the challenges ahead of us,” Jackley said. “These are the kind of dedicated leaders that belong in the Attorney General’s Office because of their experience and commitment to public service.”

Former Attorney General Mark Barnett returns to the office as the Chief Deputy. He began in that office as an Assistant Attorney General 42 years ago and served three terms as the South Dakota Attorney General. He also served 12 years as a Circuit Court Judge.

“This office and the people in this office have always been special to me,” Barnett said. “I am honored to be asked by the Attorney General to join him when he takes office.”

Jackley also has named:

  • Brent Kempema, Deputy Attorney General, Criminal Division.
  • Tony Mangan, Director of Communications.
  • Charlie McGuigan, Deputy Attorney General, Civil Division.
  • Chad Mosteller, Assistant Director, Division of Criminal Investigation, Field Operations.
  • Dan Satterlee, Director, Division of Criminal Investigation.
  • Tiffany Stoeser, Assistant Director, Division of Criminal Investigation, Administrative Operations.
  • Sarah Thorne, Deputy Attorney General, Appellate Division, which handles all Of the state’s criminal appeals.

21 thoughts on “Attorney General-elect Marty Jackley announces leadership team”

  1. Mark Barnett is an excellent choice. I don’t know the rest, but I know Marty Jackley and feel assured that he has picked the best team for South Dakotans

      1. I disagree, it is more showing support for licking the boot, which is what nearly all cops and former cops want.

  2. A good team put together by Jackley. Even got Mangan. Will be good to have some steady hands in the AG office again. One thing though – how about a photo of Barnett that’s not twenty years old!

  3. As long as the Attorney General Office obeys and upholds the State Constitution, and is willing to prosecute the Federal Government, and other States for Election Fraud, Abuse, Schemes, let alone upholds and protects South Dakota Trust, keeping our income from the federal government, let alone protect S.D Voters from being disenfranchised by other States, and Territories. We got to sue states like Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, for not enforcing their election laws, let alone manipulating federalism.

    1. Mike. Perhaps you missed November’s election results. The “stolen election” whackos were soundly beaten in swing states. The US Senate is Democrat AGAIN because of them. You can support these candidates over and over, but you’re going to see the same results.

      Oh… that’s right… you think that this election was stolen too. How could I forget.

      1. Right you are Elk. Election denier Stacey Abrahms was soundly defeated as was stolen election whacko Robert Francis O’Rourke.

    2. You are asking for a more activist Attorney General than Keith Ellison. Good luck with that sir…

    3. . . . or maybe he just puts bad guys in jail and leaves legislating and governing to those elected to do so?

  4. Charlie is getting demoted?

    For Mark Barnetr? He is losing it…talk to him for 5 minutes and you get the story 3 times

    1. Be careful what you wish for, if we spend as much as the GOP wants to spend on new prisons in South Dakota, the GOP will expand what is considered crime to fill those places up to justify the expense. You miss church on a Sunday? How about you sit in prison for a weekend! You didn’t salute the cop that drove by, and didn’t cry at the parade that Kristi was in, prison time! You claim to have a first amendment right, fine, they won’t charge you with crime, but they’ll detain you in the new jail for a day to make you think twice about using your rights again. The police state will expand, and your freedoms will deplete, these are just the facts of life in South Dakota when we have zero checks and balances.

      1. How about trying to be a little more dramatic? Name one instance, just one solitary instance in SD where any of this has happened? One…just one.

        Or how about one solitary instance where this has been indicated as the end goal. Can you do that? Just one rock solid indication from someone in Republican leadership where any of the drivel you posted is the end goal…be specific.

        Maybe you should just stick to posting on the national socialist site (aka DFP) where the little propaganda minister from Nebraska encourages this hyperbole.

  5. Barnett must be double dipping-collecting state retirement while being on the state payroll. I have no problem with it but I thought most Republicans disliked it.

  6. Looks like Nut Meg is still licking wounds and posting here. No one would know if Tiffany is an agent or not, except maybe…..Nut Meg. And he was not an agent either!

    P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C. C-L-U-E-L-E-S-S.

    C’mon guys, the world is hiring. Anyone. Even you. (Well, that might be an exaggeration.) But hey! Bormann got a job at WNAX. He gets credit for hanging in there!

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