Well, the worst kept secret in South Dakota, that Jay Williams would be the Democrat’s candidate is over. And as Drinking Liberally Sioux Falls quipped prior to the announcement, “it could have been Ron Volesky.”
The speech contained extensive detail on his life story, and I mean extensive, as it took up most of his speech, although at times, it veered into weirdness, as his first big theme was that everyone could perform a virtual baring of their buttocks at Washington by electing him. Yes, he actually called on them to “moon Washington.” Oy.
And the speech continued in oddity, as he spoke glowingly of how the Mayor of Bogota Columbia fired all the corrupt traffic cops, and replaced them with mimes. Yes, Mimes. The white makeup wearing silent people who annoy park patrons in movies. Williams cited the use of mimes publicly shaming traffic violators as an ideal role model for social change.
No, I’m not kidding.
From there, he went into boilerplate rhetoric that you would expect from any candidate, and would have been written by any anonymous staffer for the SDDP. Lots of “me good, John Thune bad” stuff. His delivery was ok for a canned speech, but the real test will be when he’s put in unscripted circumstances.
Interestingly, at the announcement Ann Tornberg was trying to tell people that – since last June or July – Jay and Carol Williams had told her that they’re all in and would run. But, if that’s case, then why would someone who has spent his life in the high tech and computer sector not have a lot of his web presence and social media ready to roll?
In fact, looking at his official website’s domain registration:

Why, JayWilliams2016.com website was not registered much more than a week ago, about the time we were all hearing that he was going to be the guy. Created Date 2-10-2016. And if you actually look at his website, which is utterly devoid of content…

Versus the basic WordPress template they’re using….

I’d be shocked if they hadn’t put it together in the few hours before Williams’ announcement.
Regardless of when the “if no one else would do it” candidate “actually decided,” the true test of his campaign will be how his campaign rolls out, and how he defines himself in his positions on the issues.
Because there’s a huge void at this point. Despite what any of the Democrats try to tell us.