Congresswoman Kristi Noem’s Weekly Column: Coming Together to Fight Trafficking

Coming Together to Fight Trafficking
By Rep. Kristi Noem
May 22, 2015

kristi noem headshot May 21 2014In February 2013, South Dakota law enforcement  placed undercover ads on the webpage targeting folks in the Watertown area.  They weren’t pretending to sell illegal drugs; they were pretending to sell people – young girls to be specific.  Over the course of two days, more than 100 individuals responded to the ad – many of whom were hoping to buy these young women for sex.  Similar operations were conducted in Rapid City and during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and all had similar results.

Many times, when folks think of sex trafficking, they picture scenes from urban areas or in foreign countries.  But the reality is it’s happening here.  Young girls – often being recruited between 12 and 14 years old – are bought and sold for sex in small towns and larger communities.  They’re being forced to have sex upwards of 50 times per day, according to the Polaris Project – a leader in the movement to end trafficking.  And their pimps are working to get them hooked on drugs and alcohol, only deepening the young woman’s dependence on the trafficker.

In some cases, trafficking victims are brought through South Dakota from bigger cities and sent to North Dakota’s oil fields.  In other cases, they’re being recruited at local schools, online, or in Indian Country to be sold at large events, like the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.  In many – if not most – cases, they are being recruited in South Dakota and sold in South Dakota.  It has to stop.

For the last few years, I’ve been working with shelters and advocates in South Dakota who have helped victims escape and survivors heal.  With their experiences and needs in mind, I was able to draft legislation – while also helping move forward additional bills others had written – that aim to better combat this criminal industry.  On May 19, we earned a significant victory.  The broadly bipartisan Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, S.178, passed the U.S. House of Representatives, meaning the bill is now headed straight to the President’s desk.

I was privileged to have language I wrote included in this larger package.   My portion of the legislation accomplishes three things.  First, it improves some existing federal grants to ensure they support shelters wanting to provide a place for trafficking survivors.  Today, there are just 200 beds available in the country for underage victims, so this is an important expansion. My language also launches a review that will look into federal and state trafficking prevention activities to help identify and develop the best prevention practices. Finally, it requires an inventory of existing federal anti-trafficking efforts to ensure that the money we’re spending is working for victims.

In addition to the portion that I wrote, S.178 aims to stop websites, like, that are known to facilitate the buying and selling of our children for sex.  It establishes grant programs to help teach medical professionals how to identify victims of trafficking, as they are often one of the first lines of defense when it comes to identifying a trafficking victim.  And it helps improve law enforcement task forces to combat this terrible crime.  All in all, it amounts to one of the largest anti-trafficking packages passed in nearly a decade.

There is still more to do.  Building awareness remains a huge challenge, but it’s a challenge each of you can help us overcome. I encourage you to learn more about the red flags so you can identify them if someone you know is at risk.  The Polaris Project website, found at, is one resource.

Thank you to everyone who has engaged in ending trafficking in South Dakota.  The work you do to eliminate its presence in our community and heal survivors is admirable and vital.


Governor Daugaard’s Weekly Column: Appreciation For Law Enforcement

Appreciation For Law Enforcement
A column by Gov. Dennis Daugaard:

We are fortunate to live in a relatively safe state. We tend to leave our cars running in the winter; we let our kids play outside; and, in some places, people lock their car doors not worrying about theft, but because they don’t want their neighbors leaving them any more zucchini.

It’s true that less populated places tend to be safer, but our public safety is not owed solely to our rural nature. It is also thanks to our law enforcement.

Those who enforce our laws live selfless lives. They’re courageous, hardworking and dedicated individuals. They work long hours and willingly put themselves in harm’s way to protect South Dakotans. They don’t simply serve to reprimand those who don’t follow the law, but to help those in need. State troopers will often stop to help someone change a flat tire. They come to the rescue when someone is stranded on the road during a blizzard. Police officers and deputy sheriffs lead the processionals for local funerals and they support their communities when disaster strikes. Our state, local and tribal law enforcement officers are critically important to our communities, and they deserve our appreciation.

We also owe a debt of gratitude to the families of law enforcement officers. These families also make sacrifices. They must adjust to overtime, odd hours and emergencies. They patiently endure as their loved ones risk their lives to keep us safe. They assume brave faces even as they worry whether their spouse or parent will come home safe and sound.

It’s easy to forget that our safe South Dakota is not the norm. There are many places in the world today where people live in chaos because laws are not enforced – where people face daily uncertainty over whether they’ll be able to protect themselves and their families.

Because of the men and women who enforce our laws South Dakota is not one of those places and we are able to live in a safe and free society.

To all of our state, local, and tribal law enforcement officers and their families, thank you for keeping us safe. Though we probably don’t show it nearly enough, South Dakotans are grateful for your service.


Light posting, but weekly columns up a day early.

Just an FYI, it will likely be light posting this weekend – I’ve got a Graduation party today, and the actual graduation tomorrow, so I’m going to be busy with other things.

But, I’m making sure I don’t forget the weekly columns by our state’s leaders, and will have those up today instead of serving up as my usual Sunday Morning fare.

Otherwise, enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend. And don’t spend so much time on the computer.

Things not to do in a campaign

From the Associated Press:

CONCORD, N.H. – A campaign worker for a New Hampshire House hopeful has been charged with a felony for sending out a fake news release saying the opponent had dropped out of the race.

Attorney General Joseph Foster says Carl Gibson, 28, of Concord was charged May 22 with felony voter suppression and a misdemeanor count of distributing a false document.

Read it here.

Thune Statement on Senate Passage of Bipartisan Trade Bill

Thune Statement on Senate Passage of Bipartisan Trade Bill

“With trade promotion authority, we can negotiate deals that put our nation first …”


WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) issued the following statement after the Senate passed bipartisan legislation, H.R. 1314, to renew trade promotion authority for six years:


“Trade deals are powerful tools that help strengthen our economy, create more jobs, and even promote our nation’s stability and security abroad. With trade promotion authority, we can negotiate deals that put our nation first for the benefit of American workers, businesses, consumers, and families. This bipartisan legislation renews trade promotion authority for six years, which extends well beyond the current administration. The House should move swiftly to pass this legislation so our nation can get to work securing trade deals, which would open new markets for goods and services stamped ‘Made in the USA.’”



So, in the #BozTrial, what happened to Jeff Beck?

As we’re in Lunch mode in the middle of Annette Bosworth’s testimony, I’m a bit confused. Maybe I’m mistaken, but I was under the impression that Bosworth would be the last one to testify for the defense, as she’s the accused.

So, what happened to attorney Jeff Beck?

In his opening statement, Bosworth legal team member Dana Hanna had promised the Jury that Jeff Beck would be testifying. Then, this morning, we’re hearing about a missing witness.

Next thing you know, when it comes time for the defense to present their case, they put up the employee as a witness and move straight to Annette herself. Wasn’t there someone supposed to come in the middle of that, who was promised to back up their side of the tale?

Maybe he’ll pop up this afternoon, but this seems odd to me.

The “Continueing” Story of Dr. Annette Bosworth. And the never ending campaign of disinformation.

My head hurts from all “the stupid” out there on this case.

And it’s all coming as part of a campaign of disinformation on the part of Bosworth associates who if not are stretching the truth are offering utter fabrications in defense of Annette Bosworth, or in attacking the prosecution. And there’s been a flurry of activity as the trial has gotten underway.

Today’s dose of stupid is coming from Peter Waldron who has set up the “No Compromise group” in a Sioux Falls Post Office Box. We’re not sure if it’s a political group (which would require filing with the Secretary of State as a political organization) or a private business (which would require a fictitious name filing). Regardless, here’s the latest stretching of the truth from he and his allies:

I’m hearing ominous music, lots of innuendo, and the inability to spell “continuing.” The is noted as coming from the “No Compromise Group.” But, I’m also noticing that it’s posted on YouTube by a Jake Baker from Texas, who is also posting the releases from Peter Waldron on his web site.

The “Texas attack” on the Bosworth prosecution also coincides with someone we all know (and are repulsed by) returning to that state – former S&M Pornographer Lee “Pornahan” Stranahan returning home.

Stranahan may have claimed to some that he’s cut ties with Bosworth, but his disinformation machine cranked up again as soon as the trial started with a post on his Dakota Reporter web site, and on his other web site, where he talks about the “Bryan Gortmaker Testomony,” as well as other posts.

All of this begs the question – why? What do these outsiders have to gain by their extensive and unusual interest in perpetrating a campaign of over the top fabrications in the matter? Peter Waldron’s complaint to the FEC and Department of Justice was easily demonstrated to be extreme puffery at best, and a fabrication at worst.

Any guesses? My thought is that afterwards there will be some significant fundraising attempts from the donor list Bosworth has left over from the campaign. And that there’s a group of people lining up at the trough.

Capital Journal Coverage of Bosworth Trial. And are Bosworth’s parents footing the bill for rooms?

The Pierre Capital Journal has a good synopsis of yesterday’s Bosworth trial coverage, and hits the high points (without you having to sit through the hours-long cross examination:

It wasn’t his job as a notary public to review the contents of each petition or each voter signature, but merely to attest that Bosworth’s own signature actually was hers and that he witnessed it, Arends said.

 But at one point Bosworth showed him a petition, he said. “Dr. Bosworth asked me, ‘Can I sign this?’ I said ‘No, you can’t, because you didn’t circulate it.’”


Screen Cap from KELOland streaming Coverage
I shouldn’t submit that petition? La la la I’m not listening to Joel. (Screen Cap from KELOland streaming Coverage)

Bosworth told a radio talk show host last year she thought because the signature collection was done under her direction, she was the circulator even though she didn’t witness every signature. It’s one of the mistakes she made as a rookie candidate, Hanna told the jury. The bigger mistake was relying on Arends’ touted expertise on petitions, Hanna said.

But Arends said he saw Bosworth demonstrate impressive knowledge of petition-gathering rules at a Lincoln Day dinner for Republicans in Pierre in February 2014. As early as January 2014, Bosworth was able to explain the rule that the person collecting signatures has to witness each signature, under South Dakota law, Arends said.


Supporters for Bosworth in court Thursday include some from Iowa and a Chicago cabdriver.

“She’s a ‘super tremendo’, fantastic leader,” said Fred London, who said he took time off from driving a taxi in Chicago to attend the trial Thursday and Friday. He learned about Bosworth from radio talk shows, London said.

“She’s everything a person could want in a U.S. Senator.”

When asked if anyone from Bosworth’s camp was paying his expenses, London, who said he’s staying at the Super 8 motel, referred questions to Bosworth’s parents.

Read it here.

So, we learned that the prosecution and the defense disagree. And that Bosworth’s parents might be footing the bill at the Super 8 for those easily swayed by what they hear on the radio or internet broadcasts.