National Review blasts SD Senate Committee for rejecting Transgender surgery ban for minors
One of the writers at the National Review magazine posted a article today which had some strong words for the State Senate Health & Human Services Committee for their rejection of House Bill 1057:
The Cowardly Republicans of South Dakota
By MADELEINE KEARNSWhen presented with evidence, senators put their fat heads between their legs.
For proof that Republicans can be just as lazy, self-serving, and cowardly as Democrats, look no farther than the South Dakota Senate.
As reported by my colleague Tobias Hoonhout, this week Republican senators Duhamel, Rusch, Steinhauer, and Soholt of the Health and Human Services Committee all joined the 5–2 majority that effectively killed a bill designed to make it easier for gender-confused minors to attain financial compensation later in life — should they realize, before age 38, that the doctors who stunted their puberty, destroyed their fertility, and permanently impaired their sexual function had failed to meet the acceptable standards of (what are we calling it these days?) health care.
Well, that’s kind of harsh. And maybe a bit unnecessary. The bigger fight will be on the Senate floor, where we might see more fireworks on the measure as it’s anticipated that the bill will be ‘smoked out’ of committee, which will require a motion from the floor of the Senate.
A ‘smoke out’ is a procedure in which a third of state senators have to vote to direct the committee to bring the bill to the floor, which if supported, the bill will typically be sent from the committee with a ‘no recommendation’ vote.
The call to demand this procedural measure will be the first true test of whether the bill can survive a hearing in the full Senate. We’ll know that soon enough with the smoke out motion possibly happening as soon as today when the Senate meets at 1pm.