State To Honor Gov. Miller At Capitol Memorial Service Tomorrow

State To Honor Gov. Miller At Capitol Memorial Service Tomorrow

PIERRE, S.D. – A memorial service for former Gov. Walter Dale Miller will be held at 1 p.m. CDT Monday in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building.

Public viewing will be allowed from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Those wishing to pay their respects may enter the Capitol Building via the north doors (parking lot side).

Access to the second-floor Rotunda will be closed at 11 a.m. to allow time to set up for the memorial ceremony. Access will begin at 12:30 p.m. for the ceremony, again via the north doors.

Those unable to attend may watch the memorial ceremony live on SDPB 2 or Oahe TV.

There will be a funeral procession leaving View 34 restaurant at 5:30 p.m. CDT tomorrow traveling west on Highway 34 to Rapid City. The public is welcome to pay their respects to Walter Dale Miller along the route.

Former Gov. Miller’s funeral service has been set for Wednesday, Oct. 7, at 10 a.m. MDT at the Calvary Lutheran Church, 5311 Sheridan Lake Rd., Rapid City. Burial will follow at Viewfield Cemetery, near Miller’s Meade County ranch.

Gov. Dennis Daugaard has requested that all flags in the state be lowered to half-staff until sunset on Wednesday, Oct. 7. The flag is customarily displayed from sunrise to sunset, but may be displayed for 24 hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness.


Gov. Miller To Lie in State in Capitol

Gov. Miller To Lie in State in Capitol

PIERRE, S.D. – Plans are pending for former Gov. Walter Dale Miller to lie in state at the Rotunda of the Capitol Building on Monday morning, Oct. 5, with a memorial service to follow. 

Public viewing will be allowed from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. CDT on Monday. The memorial ceremony will begin at 1 p.m. More details will be released later this week.

Arrangements for Gov. Miller’s funeral in Rapid City are still pending.



Thune, GOP leadership not interested in shutdown.

From politico, South Dakota’s senior US senator, John Thune, would not appear to be interested in a government shutdown. And Senate GOP leadership just out maneuvered Ted Cruz in preventing it.

“We had to be prepared,” said John Thune of South Dakota, the No. 3 Senate Republican. “He’s running for national office. He’s got a different endgame than we do. There are things we have to do here. We’ve got to fund the government every year.”

By moving to quarantine Cruz from the rest of the conference over the past three months, the majority leader demonstrated that he’s learned the lessons of the Cruz-backed government shutdown in 2013 and the Texas senator’s rogue strategy last winter that helped Democrats confirm a raft of judges in the lame duck session. In doing so, McConnell cemented his position atop the Senate GOP, dashing any hopes among House Republicans, or conservative activists, that his future might be in doubt.

Read it all here.

These comments were also echoed by the Senator on MSNBC on September 21st, according to Newsmax:

Shutting down the government is not the answer to stopping Planned Parenthood, Sen. John Thune said Monday, pointing out that President Barack Obama will veto legislation that does away with the organization’s funding.

“I think there’s a better way to do this,” the South Dakota Republican, who chairs the Senate Republican Conference, told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program. “I think we’re going to get an opportunity not only to continue to fund the government, but to put something on the president’s desk that would redirect funding from Planned Parenthood to community centers.”

A government shutdown, Thune continued, would end “badly for our party,” and Republicans would bear the brunt of the blame.

Read it all here.

Does standing firmly against a government shutdown solidify Thune’s position for the fall 2016 election? What do you think?

Putting in a plug for Daughter #2 at USD for homecoming queen.

I’m not quite sure how it happened, but my daughter number two has found herself in the interesting position of being a nominee for the University of South Dakota homecoming queen in her senior year.

I’m told that she is representing the Strollers group in the competition, despite a history of the Strollers group putting out some dubious USD graduates at best. (I’m talking to you Justin Rollins, and Governor Daugaard!)

Anyway, if you happen to be enrolled at USD, whether it is for undergraduate or graduate level courses, you have the ability to cast a ballot. And I would just put in my plug tonight for the faithful readers of SDWC to cast at least one of your ballots for Meredith.

She’s already part of the court just by virtue of the organization having selected her, so she’s already a winner. But I would be a bad dad if I didn’t give it at least a mention and a word of encouragement prior to the coronation tomorrow night!

Democrats – Still no candidates against Thune, but they will be trolling accident scenes for petition signatures.

Wow. I mean, wow. From the Argus Leader:

Democratic Party chair Ann Tornberg repeatedly encouraged attendees to circulate a ballot measure petition aimed at creating an independent redistricting committee. She called the existing districts “entirely partisan and gerrymandered.” Rep. Peggy Gibson, D-Huron, told attendees about how she circulated the petition to other drivers who were stopped for hours near the site of a fatal car crash. “If I can do it there, you can do it anywhere,” Gibson said.


The candidate challenging Thune in 2016 will be…

Just kidding. No news on that front. With just over 13 months before the 2016 election, the party has yet to select a candidate to run against U.S. Sen. John Thune. Party leadership didn’t acknowledge the hole on the ballot heading into next year, but they indicated individuals interested in exploring a run could go to next months’ training event.

Read it all here.

“Rep. Peggy Gibson, D-Huron, told attendees about how she circulated the petition to other drivers dempetitionsigswho were stopped for hours near the site of a fatal car crash.” And, she admitted it.


If the rest of Dems follow Peggy’s crass opportunism, I think accident scenes and funeral homes are going to start putting a ban on petitioners.

Howie uses murder of children for political attack. How slimy can you get?

Apparently I went to bed last night, and woke up in crazy town. Because, here’s one of the headlines this morning:

Part of the story reads, “People watching this new scandal/suicide/shotgun murder unfold are skeptical that we are getting the complete story, and perhaps not the ACURATE story.”

As we’re treated to a barely literate, incoherent and misspelled sentence explaining all of this, it’s illustrative of the defective and overwhelming leaps in logic that one has to take to believe any of the utter BS spouted by Howie, It’s little more than an exercise in throwing fecal matter against the wall to try to make anything stick against the opponent who delivered a 47 point loss to him in a 4-way race.

What did happen? A family tragedy occurred involving someone who worked for an educational co-op in Platte. This educational co-op, of which there are many across the state, administered a federal grant for an Indian education program, and subbed portions of that out here and there. The State of SD, who had the ability to direct funds, and ensure the program was working, at some point recently didn’t feel that they were getting enough bang for their buck, etcetera, so they yanked the funding.

A short time later, a man who worked at the educational co-op committed suicide, and took his family with him in a horrible tragedy.  What does that have to do with Howie’s claim that it’s all linked to his former political opponent, Senator Rounds? Absolutely and utterly nothing. It’s paranoid and slanderous.

Not to mention it has been over 5 years since Mike Rounds has been governor. 

If we’re to follow Howie’s logical progression, there’s more of a connection between Mike Rounds and executive branch state employees under him who received speeding tickets then there is between Rounds and an employee of the educational cooperative which received a federal grant directed by the Dept of Ed.

Mike Rounds didn’t hire him. Mike Rounds couldn’t fire him.  The only thing the Dept of Ed could do was to watch results progress over time. And at one point, they decided they didn’t like them.

Does the headline blare “Mike Rounds responsible for x% of speeding tickets during his tenure?” No. Because everyone instantly recognizes it as silly. But blare a headline like Howie does with an even more tenuous connection, and it takes on an air of salacious scandal. If the state reviews the results of a federal grant program, and finds it isn’t happy with the effectiveness of the program, and has questions about how it’s being run by the entity running it; I think one would argue that they’re actually doing their job by reviewing it. That’s what they’re supposed to do.

And if they yank the program because they’re not happy with how it’s being done – “Not doing the job I like, find someone else to do it.” – again, that’s what they’re supposed to do.

If an employee of the grant contractor has some sort of breakdown, that has nothing to do with state government. At all. And for Gordon Howie to use the murder of children as the basis for a political attack against an old political foe?

That’s about as slimy as you can get. And it’s little wonder why he can’t poll beyond 3%.

SDDP blasts out press release to re-name Harney Peak. Are they going to advocate for giving away the Black Hills next?

From my mailbox, I have to confess, I did not see this one coming from South Dakota Democrat HQ.

Immediate Release: Tuesday, September 23, 2015
Contact: Suzanne Jones Pranger, (605) 271-5405; [email protected]

Pennington County Democrats Call for Renaming of Harney Peak
Rapid City, SD (September 22, 2015)-

On September 22, 2015, the Pennington County Democratic Party passed a resolution calling for the renaming of Harney Peak, the highest mountain in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The resolution, entitled “PENNINGTON COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR RENAMING HARNEY PEAK TO ‘BLACK ELK PEAK,’” encourages the U.S. Board of Geographic Names to approve the formal request of Lakota elder Basil Brave Heart to change the name of Harney Peak to Black Elk Peak.

The resolution states that public comments received by the U.S. Board of Geographic Names included support of the name change by a descendent of General William S. Harney and a descendent of Little Thunder, a leader of a Lakota village destroyed by Harney in 1855. The resolution further states that the existing name of the peak is highly offensive to Native people.

Historian Eric Zimmer, a doctoral candidate at the University of Iowa and a research fellow at the Center for American Indian Research and Native Studies on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, provides historical background regarding General Harney, after whom the peak is currently named.

Zimmer notes that Harney “likely never set foot on the mountain. Harney’s actions before and during his time in the Black Hills, moreover, were deplorable under any standard of human decency. While living in St. Louis in 1834, Harney murdered a slave child named Hannah. He was well known for his short temper, and historians have surmised that the girl’s only transgression may have been as minor as misplacing the soldier’s keys. Even in the antebellum South, the attack sparked a public outrage and Harney was indicted for murder. He was ultimately acquitted because, in the repulsive logic of their time, he was a decorated white soldier and she a forgettable slave girl.”

“Harney,” Zimmer continues, then “resumed his military career. Over the years, Harney fought against American Indians in Florida and Illinois, and later against Mexican forces during the US–Mexico War. But it was his exploits at Ash Hollow along Nebraska’s Blue Water Creek that earned Harney the nicknames ‘Mad Bear’ and ‘Woman Killer’ by regional Lakotas.

Following the 1854 Grattan incident, the Army sent Harney to arrest the Lakotas. On the morning of September 2, 1855, Harney’s forces found the Natives camped along Blue Water Creek. Tribal leaders again attempted peace, but Harney ordered an attack that killed eighty-six Lakotas, more than forty of whom were women and children. Aided by two Howitzer machine guns, the soldiers launched their assault then pursued on horseback.”

Changing the name of Harney Peak would follow the historic renaming of North America’s highest mountain, “Mt. McKinley,” to its indigenous name, Denali. President Obama announced that change last month.

The Pennington County Democrats will transmit their Resolution to Mr. Lou Yost, Executive Secretary of the US Board on Geographic Names, Domestic Names Committee by the September 30, 2015 public comment deadline. The public can submit comment, as well, to

Mr. Lou Yost, Executive Secretary
US Board on Geographic Names/Domestic Names Committee
523 National Center
Reston, VA 20192-0523
by September 30, 2015 or via email at [email protected].


After we just got done with one round with ‘the board of changing mountain names,’ or whatever they’re called, Democrats are right back at it with a false sense of political correctness.

Unfortunately for them, they don’t seem to know any history with the renaming of Mount McKinley. They forget that the state of Alaska has been asking for this for 75 years or better, and it was long requested by a majority of the state’s residents.

But in South Dakota, the movement to rename Harney Peak represents a fragment of the population, at best, and they can’t even decide amongst themselves what they want to call it. This movement from the South Dakota Democratic Party to put their muscle (and I use that term very lightly) behind renaming the mountain not only seems strange, it would put them at odds with the majority of the population in the state.

Arguably, there would probably be about the same number of people in South Dakota want to change the mountain name as there are who would want to give the Black Hills to Native Americans.

And given how liberal the South Dakota Democratic Party apparatchiks have become, we shouldn’t be surprised if that’s going to be the next press release we see from their leadership.

About THAT website.. (updated – okay, that’s enough).

Last night, I had a call to go check out Lora Hubbel’s Facebook, where it was being dropped in a comment section that a prominent Democrat’s name appeared on the Ashley Madison list, which was hitting South Dakota and had been handed off to the media.  And yes, there it was.

But looking at it makes you absolutely sick to your stomach for the person, as you know it’s not going to be pretty as it is blared in the media.

Of course, a prominent weatherman from our same state’s media had already been outed before on Twitter as an alleged client of the website, said to have spent nearly $600 on the match-making service. The story was earlier ignored, and didn’t get much notice, but will probably see new light.

The Ashley Madison list was supposedly stolen by an employee, and broadcast to the world.  But it’s status as being stolen hasn’t hindered the wave of publicity as people on the list are revealed to the world.

And now, that wave is hitting our state. And we’ll bear witness to all the destruction that goes with it.

Update – You’ll notice I’m closing the thread at the moment. I think a few of you are going past the edge of discussion, and into territory I’m not comfortable in having you venture. This is dealing with people’s lives, and speaking from experience, that’s not a puddle I have any interest in stepping into lightly.

I question whether I’m becoming kinder and gentler as time marches on. I was offered the list today, and I said thanks, but no. In other places, people have had their lives wrecked, and have even taken their lives over this information being blasted out there. An item from it was put out there yesterday, so, it’s not like you can pretend it didn’t happen.

But, there’s no need to wallow in it.

I’m not sure why Senator Phil Jensen decided to take it upon himself to become our State’s new moral authority, and not only procure the information, but to send it out. I suspect at some point, he will find himself reaping that which he has sown.

Thune: Democrats Risk National Security to Double Down on Filibuster Strategy

thuneheadernew John_Thune,_official_portrait,_111th_CongressThune: Democrats Risk National Security
to Double Down on Filibuster Strategy
“Today, Senate Democrats doubled down on their defense funding filibuster by again preventing the Senate from considering this necessary legislation.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) issued the following statement after Senate Democrats again blocked consideration of the defense appropriations bill, which includes important funding for our military personnel, their families, and infrastructure projects that contribute to our national security:

“In June, more than 70 senators voted to approve the National Defense Authorization Act, giving Congress the authority it needs to fund our troops and important national security programs that keep America safe,” said Thune. “Unfortunately, immediately after voting to give Congress this authority, Senate Democrats blocked the defense appropriations bill, which actually puts the money in the bank. Today, Senate Democrats doubled down on their defense funding filibuster by again preventing the Senate from considering this necessary legislation. At a time when Iran’s support for terrorism is emboldened, Russia’s aggression continues in Ukraine and Syria, and ISIS continues to propagate a campaign of violence, it is irresponsible for Congress to deny our military leaders the certainty they need.”
