Can you get vacation time to recover from a vacation?

Took a few days off this last weekend to try to do something with my youngest who starts a summer job in a week or so, and to take a couple days with my wife who is spending her time in Spearfish for work.

Family get togethers are supposed to be relaxing. My son only has 2 more years in school, and it would be nice to do something while we still have time. So we thought, Disney is an easy, mindless vacation. We can do some shopping, hit some rides, etc.  I should have known better.

I seemed to be particularly singled out for extra security checks at the airport and at Epcot, where they had to wand me each time because my belt buckle was setting off the detectors. Of course it was as hot as hades with humidity to match.

And that was if the rides were working. Star Wars Rise of the Resistance was glitchy the day we were there. Almost didn’t make that one, but we got there in our mad scramble across the parks.

On the way back, planes were very delayed. Chicago became a mad sprint to the next gate on the way home as my two 1/2 hour layover turned into no layover as the last flight to Sioux Falls started boarding as we pulled up.

I did make it home late last night. And it sounds as if my youngest had fun.

But now I need more time for a vacation to recover from my vacation.