Confidential list of Freedom Caucus leaked?

From Austin Goss, via Twitter”

Click on the tweet to expand, as there are people disavowing the list.

24 thoughts on “Confidential list of Freedom Caucus leaked?”

  1. I buy this entire list…except Jess Olson, which makes me question its authenticity. No way in heck anyone thinks she belongs with that group

  2. Odenbach would be so much better as a chair than Alyward. The day they find a new Executive Director other than Jordan Mason is a day that they will be taken more seriously and be more effective.

      1. This is like LeBron giving props to Jordan. God bless you both, and please keep Lee Schoenbeck’s needles away from us.

  3. This is a bogus list. I am not, and have never been, a member. Aaron Aylward just told me this list did not come from the Freedom Caucus leadership. The real question is who created this fiction.
    Randy Gross

    1. Oh, you’re on the list deservedly, Mr. Gross. Mr. Odenbach is probably more of a prospect than you.

      1. Austin probably didn’t have time to wait for responses from everyone and figured it was newsworthy even if it was fraudulent.

  4. Regardless of what anyone thinks of select groups ; of which I have been critical at times, these people are all highly involved intelligent legislators who only want the best for their constituents and families. Saying that though does not condone alternative caucuses with discussions not held within the only caucus which matters at the end of the day. The GOP House Caucus.
    You have the numbers. Bring the discussion to everyone!

    Nothing in this takes into account the Senate caucus. A totally different animal to corral…

  5. This list was left one would assume accidentally in the legislative post office. When a quick acting public servant posted it in the senate lobby it sat there for a bit until an irritated jordan mason removed it from the board. Rumors are copies exist.

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