33 thoughts on “Congressman Dusty Johnson offers comment on January 6 insurrection anniversary. “Lawlessness does not prevail.””

    1. Tourists don’t bring zip ties and chant “Kill Mike Pence,” “Hang Pelosi,” assault law enforcement, and destroy taxpayer property. They were criminals and deserve to be rounded up and locked up under the rule of law.

    1. President Biden said it a lot better yesterday. Plus, judging by your party’s dear leader’s daily website brainfartrants, the speech had gotten to his delicate ego even before it was done.

  1. Dear Leader has never said anything bad about that day, and those clinging to his coattails, like Cruzy and Grahamcrackers have changed their tune to appease him. Meanwhile, your whackjobs like MTG and Boebert think it was a glorious day that didn’t go far enough.

    1. Order’s up busboy….you’re letting the customers wait too long at the drive through line in your Littleton fry joint.

  2. I wonder if you Democrats and RINOs get an erection over this obsession with a false insurrection?

    1. Oh, not so much. I’m curious, though, what do you call what happened last January 6? Or is all the blood gone from your head over watching those clowns Ingraham, Carlson and Hannity?

      1. Last Jan 6th was a bunch of idiots who wandered into the capitol and got peppered sprayed and shot down by police. It was so out of control only 1.5 million dollars in damage was done. The way our government runs they couldn’t replace a freaking light bulb in the capital for less then that.

        I could care less for Fox News. But i’m sure the fine folks at CNN are keeping you well informed.

      2. Let’s talk about all the BLM protests that set fire to federal buildings, that was more of an insurrection than this crowd that got rowdy.

        1. That’s what your dear leader says, right? Your mob on January 6 was responding to his invitation and incitement to try to effect his own steal by disrupting Congress. Please stop watching FoxNews and OANN and you’ll get a better idea of the sorry state of your party.

          1. What were his EXACT words that he used to incite the “mob?” Find the uncut/unaltered video of President Trump extending such an invitation and post the link. Or is the above what the dwarf king of Lincoln instructed you to say?

          2. HHMMM, just as I thought…..typical DFP follower. All accusation and no facts to back it up.

      1. That would be most of the Republican party. Maybe you don’t follow the news or maybe you follow CNN & MSNBC, but I repeat myself. Interestingly, not the people in office which tells us just how in tune Republican officials are with their party.

  3. When JFK Jr. leads the terrorist army next time, they will prevail and they will burn the vaccines! They will make smelling farts legal again!

  4. I understand that republicans want to distance themselves from a group of morons and idiots, the base, but pictures, videos, and crying defendants don’t lie. Is it true that all future republican candidates will wear buffalo costumes and chant hang ” insert opponents name here” ! However since Reagan put all the mentally challenged on the streets it is nice to see the republican party give them a home.

  5. To those who believe that this was not an insurrection, what do you think would have happened if Pence and/or Pelosi had been found? Would Pelosi have been harmed? Would Pence have been hanged? I’m not trying to be facetious. I’d really like to know what you think.

    1. There were a million Trump supporters there that day and they didn’t kill anyone. So the most obvious answer is no. But I could be wrong tho maybe those 80 year old grey haired ladies I saw wondering around might have of done different.

      I do know what happens when a left wing nut gets ahold of somebody tho. Ask Rand Paul, Steve Scalise or the family of David Dorn

    2. Um, I think the Capitol Police would disagree with you. Oh, yeah, your dear leader called them “pussies.”

    3. So, if you don’t believe normal people, how about the FBI? This from MSN Snooze, hardly a Trump supporting operation:
      “The Cambridge Dictionary defines “insurrection” as: “an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence”

      By that definition, there was no “insurrection” at the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, according to the FBI. Reuters reports:

      The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials.”
      Quit putting lipstick on a pig’s lip.

  6. Stop calling it just a protest. There was nothing to protest. It was an insurrection. You can’t change the truth just because you don’t like it.

    1. You cannot make an insurrection out of what happened. How many conservatives condone the riot? Very few. How many guns were brought in? None. How many people have been charged with sedition? None. How many people were killed? 2 that I know of, one by a cop with a gun shooting someone who was of no threat and a woman who was beaten by cops. You cannot change the truth just because you wish it to be so.

  7. There are several hundred Americans who are incarcerated one year after this “insurrection” that was not an insurrections. There have been 0 prosecutions for sedition. There are people held in isolation, not allowed access to attorneys, and suffering medical maladies. At least one person is jailed because he refused to be part of the FBI’s attempt to get an informer. The cops in the capitol removed many of the barricades. There are videos showing cops motioning people in. Yet Howdy Doody refuses to hold the capitol jail and DOJ accountable. I do believe there is a problem with due process here and it would be cool if Representative Doody would be so kind as to start making some noise. At least some US Reps have. It take courage to do something like that and so far he has not shown it.

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