Congressman Dusty Johnson points out to State Rep. Scott Odenbach that ‘principles matter,’ in light of his ‘selective outrage.’

This weekend, Congressman Dusty Johnson took to facebook and read District 31 State Representative Scott Odenbach chapter & verse on how principles matter in the face of what Congressman Johnson termed Odenbach’s ‘selective outrage,’ when Johnson refused to go along with money already appropriated elsewhere being spent on a border wall.

Somehow I doubt Dusty is going to be Team Odenbach in the 2026 elections. 

32 thoughts on “Congressman Dusty Johnson points out to State Rep. Scott Odenbach that ‘principles matter,’ in light of his ‘selective outrage.’”

  1. Assuming DJT wins the Presidency, will “dusty” once again cast his votes to investigate President Trump and, “on principal”, fight Mr. Trump in building the Wall?? One also wonders if “dusty” is still Proud of being in the minority in his fight to KEEP Liz Cheney in the Republican leadership after all her efforts attacking and seeking to criminalize President Trump. Does “dusty” still relish his RINO label?

      1. criminalize
        crim·​i·​nal·​ize ˈkri-mə-nə-ˌlīz ˈkrim-nə-ˌlīz
        criminalized; criminalizing
        Synonyms of criminalize
        transitive verb

        : to make illegal
        also : to turn into a criminal or treat as criminal

    1. trump criminalized himself by plotting the overthrow of an election that he lost, then implementing that plan. not to mention placing crooked judges in the path of any prosecution against him. if there is a god that jealously guards the righteous reputation of His Holy Name, there will be justice done some day in the case of people vs donald j. trump. count on it.

    2. South Dakota GOP rank and file need to listen to this argument and realize Thune, Rounds, and Dusty are controlled by the republican establishment and take direction from then majority leader McConnell. They funded the Biden/democratic agenda carte blanche with votes to pass continuing resolutions and debt ceiling suspensions. These were the votes that tell you who they are and what is their walk you can not take seriously their talk

      1. this fantasy about an evil “republican establishment” still lurking “out there” opposing MAGA is silly. trump calls the shots in congress. part of what you’re complaining about is what got mccarthy booted out of the speakers role. mcconnell hasn’t had any power to do anything but support the house majority in stopping biden.
        congress isn’t even going to exist someday, and none of you will miss it because you didn’t understand how it works to begin with.

  2. We all need remember that twisting the truth is actually a lie. Half-truths are lies and some folks seem to thrive on that type of messaging. I, for one, am glad that Congressman Johnson called this out.

  3. Dusty has voted time and time and time again to spend money on the Wall.

    Scott is a pot-stirrer who lives to lie and mislead to cause strife within our party.

    1. Stick to the FACTS!! Was “dusty”‘s vote to Investigate President Trump CONTRARY to the Majority of Republican votes on that particular legislation??

      Was “dusty”‘s NO vote AGAINST the Wall CONTRARY to the Majority of the Republican votes on that particular legislation??

      Was “dusty”‘s vote to KEEP Liz Cheney in the Republican Leadership CONTRARY to the Majority of the Republican votes oon that issue??

      If the answer is YES to all 3, then any “strife within our party” is of “dusty”‘s making, not anyone else’s!!!

      1. Your option is Dusty or a Biden rubber stamp. You can complain about Dusty around the Christmas tree but until then look at how scary his dem opponent is.

    2. He showed his colors in the 2024 session and the pipeline. He will be on the wrong side of history when the pipeline goes through.

      1. Right now Republicans need to unite behind Dusty to beat the dem. We can fight this out after Thanksgiving.

        1. The Dem poses no threat. Do we want to lose one of our national delegation to these wack jobs within the party? I sure hope not! The legislature will be bad enough especially this upcoming session.

  4. I agree with Odenbach. Thune and Rounds voted to support this. I don’t think they lack principles.

    But right now our job is to help Dusty beat the democrat.

    Jackley, Dusty, Rhoden, Rounds, Odenbach can litigate this in 2026 gov primary.

    1. Scott is so desperate he’s talking about votes from six years ago. Eye roll.

      Odenbach has never met a Republican he wasn’t interested in attacking. He’s terrible.

  5. Young Mr. Odenbach, who lives in the town infested with the 5 Gs being radiated from all over on city sponsored poles and park benches, is insaner than most. Even Mr. Dale can confirm this, over chicken fried bacon at the Steerfish joint, as he has with grudznick on several occasions.

  6. So, we have a Congressman that stands up to the highest echelons of his party leadership — including the President — when he feels they’re being unconstitutional with the handling of an issue… and people are actually upset about this?

    Dusty is 100% spot on when he refers to the presidency being gradually imperialized through the use of emergency powers. If left unchecked, what will prevent President Ocasio-Cortez from someday declaring that cow farts constitute a clear and present emergency with the ozone layer?

    Or, if you don’t like that example, what will keep President Harris from declaring that any firearm that holds more than a single round constitutes a clear and present emergency to our school children? Oh, the Second Amendment? “But it’s an emergency!” If an emergency justifies overriding the main body of the Constitution, surely its amendments are just as expendable.

    You can’t have it both ways.

    1. well said. it’s fun to watch everyone treat the gop like it’s still a political party and not the domestic version of khmer-rouge that marjorie taylor greene and the freedom caucus are turning it into.

  7. I admire Congressman Johnson sticking to his principles. Trump admitted in his acceptance speech that he proposed taking 3 Billion from the Military appropriation to pay for his wall. (We should remember that his original proposition was that Mexico would pay all costs for this wall.) My gripe is that Trump shows no respect for our Military, our Veterans, or the patrioric young Americans who give “the best years of their lives”, and sometimes their lives, to defend all of us. I’m with Dusty on this one.

    1. that is what is missing most in this congress. a sense of the institution itself and its unique power to extend political agency to citizens. it is the body where all the various regions and cultures in this country send representatives to peacefully work out how to live together and define our national identity and priorities. we have lost this.

  8. The Constitution is all the protects us from tyranny.

    I don’t want to be under the thumb of AOC, Louie Gohmert, or Scott Odenbach because they only like the Constitution when it serves their purpose. All other times, they thwart it with every weapon their dishonest little minds can imagine.

    Tyrants are tyrants and it won’t feel any different in the end if they are on the left or the right.

  9. Thune, Rounds, and Dusty have not done anything significant to stop the invasion of over 10 million people in 3 years. The republic is on verge of collapse and these guys are playing their fiddles!

  10. Odenbach represents the very worst of our party. Manipulative, deceitful and self serving. Look no further than the candidates that his Liberty Tree PAC gave money to. That will tell you all you need to know about this man. A snake in the grass and always has been. Power hungry and nothing more.

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