Congressman Dusty Johnson’s weekly update: Safety and Security

Safety and Security
By Rep. Dusty Johnson
February 16, 2024

BIG News

This week, I voted to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. His willful and systemic refusal to follow the laws set by Congress to secure the southern border has created a national security and safety crisis in communities across America, including South Dakota. We have not seen a domestic crisis of this magnitude from a department’s making before. America is less safe because of the drugs and increased crime from illegal immigrants coming across the border. Congress had to act. I hope the Democrat-controlled Senate takes the impeachment seriously and the Administration takes notice and takes steps to secure the border.

Click here or the image above to view remarks from Johnson about his vote to impeach Secretary Mayorkas.

BIG Idea

I met with Community Healthcare Association of the Dakotas and Horizon Health Care to talk about federal funding for health centers that support underserved populations, the 340B drug pricing program, and the importance of telehealth. They awarded me the Distinguished Community Health Center Advocate award for my actions in Congress to support Community Health Centers.

Johnson with Shelly Ten Napel (CEO of CHAD) and Wade Erickson (CEO of Horizon Health Care)

BIG Update

Recently, the Biden Administration proposed a ban on new permits for new domestic liquified natural gas (LNG) exports. This is another decision the President made in an effort to advance his climate agenda, but the decision fails to recognize American-made energy is actually cleaner than energy from countries like Russia and Iran. Prohibiting new exports will force our allies to rely on dirtier energy from these adversarial countries, bolstering the economies of enemies instead of ours. Increasing exports could add as much as $73 billion to the U.S. economy and support 453,000 jobs by 2040, but with Biden’s ban, we lose all of that growth opportunity.

This week, I supported the Unlocking Our Domestic LNG Potential Act when it passed the House so we can continue to grow our LNG exports, ensuring America and our allies can remain energy secure.
