Deadwood Mayor Chuck Turbiville Endorses Jackley for Governor

Deadwood Mayor Chuck Turbiville Endorses Jackley for Governor

DEADWOOD, SD: Deadwood Mayor and District 31 Representative Chuck Turbiville tells South Dakota that Attorney General Marty Jackley is the smart bet for governor in a new video released today.

“As a grandfather of seven, I want my grandkids to be safe, and no one has done more to protect our families than Marty Jackley,” Turbiville said. “He also heavily emphasized good working relationships with mayors and county leaders in his Hometown Initiative, and as a South Dakota mayor, I applaud him for seeking to strengthen those partnerships.”

Turbiville is in the final year of his second term as mayor of Deadwood. Under his leadership, Deadwood has expanded the number of businesses on Main Street, reduced city meeting expenses and expanded Sturgis rally motorcycle parking.

He first served in the House from 2005-2012, where he helped start the South Dakota Science & Technology Authority and the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead. He also worked as director of the Deadwood-Lead Economic Development Corporation for 14 years.

“Chuck has been an incredible public servant for Deadwood and District 31, and I’m blessed to call him my friend,” Jackley said. “This campaign isn’t about any one person—we have a team approach, and we’re excited to welcome Chuck and the people of Deadwood to the team.”

Watch Turbiville’s endorsement on youtube here


11 thoughts on “Deadwood Mayor Chuck Turbiville Endorses Jackley for Governor”

  1. I don’t know how much difference all these endorsements make, but Chuck is one person whose judgment I trust.

  2. Turbiville is one of the most liberal, worthless, and dishonest legislators in Pierre. Just one more good reason NOT to vote for Jackley.

  3. Jackley has so many supporters it’s unbelievable. I’ve never seen anything like it!

    1. A bit to awestruck of a post to be credible. Too many “ooohhhs” and “aaaahhhhs” water down the impact.

  4. None of these endorsements by people who I don’t know anything about do anything to sway my opinion one way or another. If Heuther endorsed a candidate I’d see that as a negative, since I know more about him being a Sioux Falls resident. It all depends on your opinion of the person giving the endorsement. If John McCain would endorse a candidate in a Republican primary I would most likely vote the other way know his progressive opinions and his RINO credentials.

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