“Draft Jon Hansen for SD Governor” facebook page has been out there since 2023. Big nope on that one.

As ambitious politicians try to jockey for position, I had an observant reader out there point out the campaign that no one is asking for.  And it leads me to wonder, are South Dakota Republicans actually out there demanding this kind of mediocrity?

Garnering 33 likes and 40 followers out on facebook in the 15 months it has been out there, the “Draft Jon Hansen for SD Governor” effort might have attracted the attention of Carl Perry during the intervening months, but the number of supporters it has attracted seem pretty far and few between otherwise.

As you recall, Hansen rose to the level of being the Speaker Pro Tempore in the House of Representatives in 2021-2022… and stalled out there. And he seems to jump on every anti- bandwagon he can for attention, including the anti-vaxxer movement, the anti-pipeline movement, and the anti-abortion movement.

With this not so subtle hint that Hansen might have ambitions to that office, it kind of makes one wonder what’s going to happen to the mailing list for the Hansen-led Life Defense Fund after this years’ campaign is over?  (Is there a provision to un-sign with that group too)?

19 thoughts on ““Draft Jon Hansen for SD Governor” facebook page has been out there since 2023. Big nope on that one.”

  1. As terrible a person as Noem has turned out to be, this turd makes her look like a saint. Hard pass.

  2. No thanks. I don’t need the Christian taliban ruling my life. Keep your religion to yourself, be it Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Satanism, or whatever you do between you and your deity.

  3. Jon should review state law about using donor lists. Pretty sure it would be illegal to use the donor list from the Life Defense Fund for a candidate’s campaign.

    1. Wouldn’t stop old Jonny boy… using the disguise of Christianity and God to self promote without any integrity or morals for himself.

    2. Point of clarification you should be aware of; It’s only illegal to harvest donor information from donor lists on the SOS website. It’s not illegal to be given a list from a candidate or a group of their own free will.

  4. With his ringing endorsement in D25 for Mad Dad agenda pushing Tom Pishcke I would say his judgement is skewed… no thanks from me.

  5. I see it as renaming this facebook page Grifter Jon Hansen for SD Governor would be a better fit.

    Carl Perry is a supporter of this?

    1. Of course Carl Perry is on board. Carl Perry is a good guy, for the good guys and all the good guys are for Carl Perry, just ask Carl Perry. Plus Carl Perry will hitch his wagon to anyone and anything, at least to their face — inevitably he has to do whatever Al gives him permission to do.

  6. All these authoritarian principles that Jon wants as law cost money, and guess who will pay for it? You guess right, it is the same people who will pay for that new $750M+ prison!

  7. Well, someone needs to get that 2-3% of the vote to make the Jackley-Johnson-Rhoden contest more interesting.

    1. It will be a jungle primary format in 2026 I suspect, throw a Dem and a libertarian into the mix too

      1. If it were the jungle primary it would only be two candidates coming out and neither would be a Democrat. That’s why dems oppose this.

      2. Ooo that’s fun to ponder.

        An “open primary” between Dusty, Rhoden, Billie Sutton, Jon Hansen (or someone of that ilk), someone crazy, and a libertarian. Who are the top 2 that advance to November?

        On second thought, it’s not that fun to ponder. It is not outside the realm of the possible that Sutton and Hansen are the 2 that come out of that primary…

    2. I suspect Rhoden only runs if he becomes governor in the next year or so.

      Jackley vs Johnson would be interesting but we will likely see more names in that race.

      Tenhaken is one who would get 25-30% out of the gate. I think he’s a real dark horse.

      Wouldn’t be surprised to see Mike Huether run also.

      Congress will come down to Crabtree vs Tobin. Tobin will be very strong.

        1. Greetings and Salutations! Dr. Terry LeFleur may be getting ready as planned for Governor in 2026 and maybe looking for staff already.

  8. interesting to note: twenty years ago this week governor m. michael rounds was preparing to open a large higher education symposium in pierre as part of his big 2010 inititiative to build and improve south dakota. fast forward – sd finds a new way each year to be a national laughingstock. it’s gotta change.

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